Page 49 of A Second Dawn

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Aiden’s face turns serious. “Axel, Ethan, and I were the only survivors of our Green Beret’s unit on our last deployment. It brought us even closer together. It inspired the tattoo.”

“Do the others have it as well?” I ask.

He nods. “Yes. We had it done together.”

He goes silent then, and I don’t prompt him further, not wanting to scrape at wounds that still hurt.

“I was looking for you two,” Claudette says, walking toward us. “I made breakfast. If you want to eat it warm, you better come.”

“Okay,” we say in unison. Some days, we really are in tune with each other.

Before Aiden has a chance to walk off, I wrap my arms around him, holding him to me.

“I’m very glad, you and your friends made it out alive from that mission.”

After a moment’s hesitation, Aiden bands his arms around me, hugging me back. He rests his head on top of mine, and we soak each other in.

Perhaps he’s right and we are twin flames. Because he damn well feels like home when he holds me this way.

Chapter Thirteen


Afterbreakfast,ClaudetteandI are walking to the stream to collect water to fill up the tanks in our motor home while Aiden washes the dishes.

My earlier conversation with him is playing on my mind, and I bet Claudette could shed more light on the subject.

“Do you have a twin flame?” I ask her without preamble.

She’s taken aback for a moment. Is that too personal a question?

“Yes, I do. But we weren’t good for each other,” she eventually tells me.

“Oh? I assumed twin flames would always get along. That they couldn’t live without the other.”

“It can be like that, but often it isn’t. Many people confuse a twin flame with a soulmate.” She bends to pick up a flower and brings it to her nose, inhaling its scent.

“Twin flames are one soul split into two. It’s why they recognize each other right away. It’s true that often it’s a romantic soul connection, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes they’re just a really good friend, or they can be a horrendous enemy.

“No matter what form they take, they’re there to challenge you and help you grow.”

We reach the stream and I crouch down, immersing the first bucket of water while listening to Claudette.

“Not every twin flame couple is meant to be together. Some twin flames stay with you for your entire life. Others come and go. Just like Jasper did. They enrich your life, and you’re a better person for having had them walk life’s path with you even if only for a short while.”

Hmm. Jasper?

My brows furrow as I let the information sink in.

“Is Jasper your twin flame?” I ask, pulling the bucket out of the water.

“Yes. We met in my late teens at a party. He was a year older and just as rebellious as me. Our poor parents…” She chuckles and shakes her head as she remembers her youth.

“Weeks before meeting him, I sensed him. At the time, I didn’t understand what that feeling was.”

I cock my head, curious to learn more. And of course, Claudette obliges. She loves talking about anything esoteric.

“It was a yearning for something more, something deeper. And I knew it was coming soon.”
