Page 48 of A Second Dawn

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“I’ve been thinking about it for the last few days. I don’t want to, but perhaps I should give up this baby for adoption. Find a family who will love her and erase any trace of a connection to me. It would break my heart, but I would do it… for her.”

“It’s too early to consider something so drastic. Let’s just get to Claudette’s hiding place and reassess the whole situation. I swear I will keep you and the baby safe.”

“I know you would. But it doesn’t change the fact that you shouldn’t need to.”

“Ella, I risked my life for the greater good every single day for many years… for people I didn’t know. So why wouldn’t I risk my life for someone I care for deeply? Iwillprotect you both… with my life, if I have to.”

His sincerity takes my breath away. The scary thing is, I understand where he’s coming from. Because I would risk my life for him too.

It’s never been clearer. I will protect him and his beautiful soul until the day I die. Which is precisely why I cannot, should not, give in to this pull toward him.

Tiero is capable of horrendous things, and he has a hair trigger. His face when he dealt with Blondie in his club was so full of unrestrained anger. Blondie didn’t get away unscathed that night. I can only pray that Tiero spared his life.

I won’t risk Aiden’s—ever.

“I can’t offer you anything beyond my friendship,” I whisper, avoiding Aiden’s gaze and staring off into the distance.

“Please look at me, Sunshine.” Aiden’s voice is soft and full of warmth. And that magnetic pull toward him doesn’t allow me to do anything but.

My hands are still in his, and his thumb is gently caressing my skin.

“I get it. Let’s take this one day at a time. I’m not going anywhere. Whenever you are ready, I’m here.”

But what if I’m never ready? I don’t voice that question, though. I could never steal that hope from Aiden. And he looks so hopeful.

Who knows, maybe, against all odds, I do get away from Tiero’s world forever. And maybe then there is a future for us.

It’s a lot of maybes… but weirder things have happened.

Aiden picks up my mug of tea and passes it to me. He rises to his feet and then sits down beside me again. Wanting to change the subject, I point to his chest. Sadly, his magnificent abs are hidden away beneath layers of clothes. Shame.

Perhaps I should get up early more often, just to get another glimpse.

“You have a triquetra tattoo right over your heart.” I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me. “Is it to remember three special women in your life?” I tease, nudging him with my shoulder.

“It could be that,” he winks. “My mum and two sisters mean a lot to me, though I’m not sure I’d get a tattoo for them.”

“Girlfriends then?” Yes, I’m fishing for information.

A smile lifts his lips and warms the brown of his eyes…. it does things to me.

Heat spreads through me from the inside out.

“I’ve only had one girlfriend, and that was before I enlisted.”

“Seriously? You haven’t dated since?”

Is he a playboy like Tiero was? He doesn’t give off the vibe.

He chuckles again, but this time his cheeks color. Is he embarrassed?

He clears his throat. “No, I haven’t. Watching one of my best friends, Axel, struggle with missing his wife when we were deployed put me off. Plus, I never met a girl I wanted to date… until now.”

His eyes laser focus on me, and this time it’s me whose cheeks turn red.

“How many best friends do you have?” I ask to steer the conversation in a different direction.

“Axel and Ethan. The triquetra symbolizes our friendship. We grew up together and then all joined the army. Ethan is Garrett’s twin brother. Unlike us he went into the Air Force. He’s a pilot.”
