Page 59 of A Second Dawn

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Wow, she really owns her body. There’s not even a hint of embarrassment.

“Claudette,” a man calls from somewhere behind her.

She turns, her face lighting up, and walks toward a group of nudists. They stretch their arms out wide, ready for a group hug.

How quickly does this woman make friends?

Aiden and I watch, fascinated.

“It’s hard not to look at their bits,” I whisper.

“Yes, shield your eyes. You should only ever look at mine,” he deadpans.

I ignore the comment.

“Ugh! How can she hug these naked strangers? All their bits are going to touch.”

I’m horrified, when Claudette, without hesitation, goes fully in.

But that’s Claudette. She doesn’t do anything by half.

I cringe. “She’s not getting into our bed tonight unless she takes a long shower.”

Ade bites his lip to stop his laughter.

“I’m totally serious,” I tell him.

“I know you are. Claudette is—”

He doesn’t get to finish his sentence. Screaming and what sounds like the roaring of motor bikes suddenly echoes through the camp.

“Shit,” Aiden mutters, grabbing my hand and running toward Claudette. Her group hug has dispersed, her new friends scrambling off in all directions.

“Claudette, come,” Aiden yells over the noise. “We need to get out of here.”

He grips her hand and starts pulling her along.

Out of breath, she tugs to get loose, but Ade’s grip is iron.

“You need to let go of me,” Claudette demands. “I need to hold my boobs when I run or they swing too much. I don’t want a black eye.”

Despite the terror of not knowing what’s going on, that picture has me laughing.

“Fine,” Ade grumbles, letting go of her, but tightening his hold on my hand. “But you run ahead so I can see you.”

I’m not sure how good an idea that is. Now Claudette’s jiggling butt cheeks are the only thing I see.

How the heck do I end up in situations like these?

We dash through bushes and weave in and out between trees.

Shouts and screaming mixed with engine noise still ring through the air.

“Are we going in the right direction?” I ask, my lungs struggling to pull in enough air. “I have no idea where we are.” All I’m aware of is that we’ve been running mostly uphill.

“Yep,” Ade replies, his voice still even. He’s not even a little out of breath.

At last, we reach the plateau where the RV is parked, and I let out a sigh of relief.
