Page 61 of A Second Dawn

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The sudden acceleration has Claudette stumble, and she lands in Aiden’s lap who pushes her off with lightning speed.

“Umm,” he stutters, a little flustered.

The next second, he pulls his shirt over his head. “Here, put that on,” he tells Claudette, staring purposefully out the back.

Taking a corner a lot faster that I normally would, two wheels lift off the ground.


This is getting exciting. Adrenaline surges through my veins. I love driving fast. Though this would be easier in Tiero’s Ferrari. God, that beast was fun.

Focused fully on the road ahead, I hear the other two buckle up their seat belts.

Good idea!

Safety first, I chuckle to myself.

Despite my best efforts to shake them, the bikers are closing in on us. But I’m not deterred.

When I spot a freight train through the trees on my right, a solution to this dilemma might have just presented itself.

There’s a crossing ahead.

I just have to overtake the train first and get to the crossing before it does.

Pushing the pedal all the way to the floor, we fly past the cargo train and its many carriages. I spot the crossing, the red lights already flashing, but the gates are still up.


I can make it. I know I can. Even with the gates now lowering.

“Ella?” Claudette questions. “Stop. We’re not going to make it.”

Oh ye of little faith.

My focus shrinks down until all I see are the gate-beams ever so slowly descending as the bells sound and the lights flash.

“Ella!” Claudette shrieks, this time a lot louder. “No!”


“Go for it, lucida.”

I push on and, like in the movies, cross the rails with a little jump, our roof grazing the beam.

“Yes!” I yell, exhilarated, my heart hammering outside my chest now.

“Woohoo,” Ade hollers. “That’s my girl.”

Claudette only manages a “Phew.”

It’s good to see I can unravel her after all.

Looking back, Ade announces, “They’re stuck behind the gates.”

Checking in the mirror, I catch sight of the three bikers through the gaps in the carriages.

Take that!
