Page 62 of A Second Dawn

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Feeling proud of myself, I grin from ear to ear.

“You can take your foot off the gas now,” Claudette suggests.

“Not a fan of motor racing?”

“No. I prefer to cruise. You see more that way,” she replies drily.

I turn around briefly, and my eyes lock onto Ade’s impeccably sculpted six-pack. He’s standing behind me in all his semi-naked glory.

Oh hello!

I drive onto the side strip just for a few seconds before veering the RV back.

Oops. Eyes on the road, Ella.

“Here,” Claudette pulls off Ade’s shirt and hands it back to him. “You better put that on, or Ella is going to drive us into a tree.”

I chuckle. She has a point. I’m still high on adrenaline, excess energy coursing through me. I feel reckless.

To tease her, I press down on the gas, and Ade leans down close to my ear. “Behave.”

It makes me laugh more. What if I don’t want to?

I glance in the mirror. Claudette is pulling on clothes. Thank God for that! Having her run around naked is distracting.

“So what was it like? Did you give readings at that festival?” I ask.

She grins back at me. “Lots of them.”

She waves a bundle of notes in the air. “These events are a gold mine for a psychic. And as for what it was like? You know… the usual. Drugs, sex and rock’n’roll. I needed some.”

Chapter Sixteen


“Wow.Ican’tbelievewe’re here,” I say to Ade and Claudette as we drive past the Yoho National Park sign.

It’s been eight days since the cruise ship arrived in Halifax. Like everything in my life, it seems eons ago.

After nearly being caught by Tiero, this leg of our journey was actually fun and relaxing. The three of us found a rhythm that made everything flow smoothly. And seeing breathtaking mountains, glaciers, and turquoise lakes never gets old.

I wish we could just keep driving, but the ever-present risk of being discovered is just too high. Uncertainty once again darkens my thoughts.

How long will I have to hide here?

At least it’s in the mountains. They never fail to soothe and nourish my soul.

There’s a nip in the air, especially as soon as the sun gets low in the sky. Given the altitude, snow won’t be far away. Wherever Claudette’s hiding place is, it might get cut off from the outside world.

Am I ready for that?

Do I even have a choice?

And more importantly, is Aiden going to stay the entire time?

He’s got a job that needs him. He can’t just disappear for months on end.

Why does the thought of him leaving me here alone have my heart crumble in pain?
