Page 81 of A Second Dawn

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I sit by the fire when he hands me a cup of tea, the aroma of ginger soothing.

Twenty minutes later, I’m being spoiled with a steaming bowl of mashed sweet potato. And it’s surprisingly good.

“You’re missing out on breakfast,” I say, not happy that looking after me means he’s not getting fed.

“Don’t worry about me. Miriam is saving me a plate.”

For some reason that statement irritates me. A lot.

It’s completely irrational.

I should be happy he’s being looked after, but I’ve noticed Ade and Miriam hanging out together a bit, and at night, they play chess.

Am I jealous?

That’s pathetic. Aiden showing interest in someone other than me is a good thing. I should encourage it.

And Miriam is lovely. There’s something about her that just draws people in.

Just like with Claudette, there was an instant rapport, like we continued on from where we left off. And if Ade and I are truly of the one soul, why wouldn’t it be the same for him?

I tap my fingers against the chair as I chew my food.

“A penny for your thoughts,” Ade interrupts my musing. “You seem to stew on something?”

“Huh?” I play dumb. I’m so not going to tell him about the green monster plaguing me.

“Your face is all scrunched up. What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”

I relax my facial muscles, racking my brain for something to say that skates the truth.

“Umm… I was wondering what you did to the mash to make it so creamy.” There, that’s not even a lie. But really, is that the best I could come up with?

Ade’s face tells me he doesn’t buy it for a second, but he’s kind enough not to call me out on it.

“I added a dash of coconut cream,” he replies, trying to suppress his smirk.

He’s so onto me.

I bite my lip to not give in to my smile. “Mmm, it’s delicious.”

He gets up from the sofa and kneels in front of me. His eyes exude a comforting warmth, as if holding the flickering embers of a cozy fireplace. Yet, there’s more—a lively twinkle that dances with mirth. I’m enchanted, basking in its glow.

Then he confronts my white lie head on, denuding me of the warm fuzziness he enveloped me in mere seconds ago.

“I enjoy Miriam’s company. That’s all there’s to it.”

His expression turns serious and whatever will leave his mouth next, I know, is genuine.

“Ella, my heart and soul belong to you. Only you. I want no one else. I’m here whenever you’re ready.”

The breath lodges in my throat. His sincerity has me choking on air.

The blood drains from my head at being caught out before shooting back into my cheeks. He raises his hand to my face, his knuckles feathering my heated skin.

“You’re an open book, lucida. And I enjoy the hell out of reading you.”

His playfulness has returned, and the smile on my face grows.
