Page 23 of Sidelined

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"There really is no one else is there?" I didn't want him to fail just because my heart wouldn't listen to common sense. That was my problem, not his.

"Professional. Professional. Professional," I muttered under my breath.

"You know what your problem is?" Grace asked.

"You're about to tell me aren't you?" I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear it, but she was only looking out for me.

"Yes. Yes I am." She nodded. "You're a caring person."

"Yeah. I'm an absolute monster," I said sarcastically.

"Only to yourself," Grace said. "You would give away your last dollar to someone in need. You even share your ice cream."

"I'm starting to think I shouldn't," I joked. "I mean, it's ice cream." I hugged the tub to myself.

She snatched the tub away from me. "Never joke around about ice cream," she scolded playfully. "Especially chocolate."

"There is nothing funny about chocolate ice cream," I agreed. "Although, I really need to stop eating it whenever I'm depressed."

Grace scooted down the couch away from me. "That leaves more ice cream for me."

I followed her down and leaned my shoulder against hers. "Interesting theory, but I'm not surrendering that easily."

"Okay. Okay." She handed back the tub. "You win."

I grinned and had another mouthful. "I missed this."

"I'm glad you called," Grace said. "If you hadn't, I would have. For the record, the party was boring as shit. I didn't see Conrad near anyone. In fact, I only saw him there for a little while."

"Friends don't let friends go to parties alone," I said. "Anything could have happened." Not that anything hadevergone wrong at a teenage party before. Fuck no. They were alwaysso perfectly behaved. No one ever got drunk and stuck their tongue down the throat of someone they usually didn't like.

Okay, I only did that once and I learned my lesson. At least we only made out.

Although I seemed to remember him touching my breasts a time or two. That was as far as it went. All I could remember anyway. No horrible photos ever surfaced, thank fuck.

"The only thing that happened was Nathan Gardner running around naked, and Veronica Sanchez and Lexi Daniels comparing breast sizes. For the record, Lexi's are bigger. She showed everybody." Grace made a, 'what are you going to do?' face.

"Good to know," I said dryly. I didn't think it was possible for me to drink enough alcohol that I'd want to go around baring my breasts to everyone, but each to their own.

"I'm surprised the boys didn't do a comparison as well."

Grace laughed. "I’d probably leave before they did that. I'm sure those photos will end up online somewhere."

For everyone's sake, I hoped no one took any photos.

"Are you wondering how Conrad compares to the rest of them?" Grace teased.

"I wasn't," I said. "But I am now." I held up the almost empty tub of ice cream in front of my now flaming red face. What was wrong with me? While the other girls in my class were experimenting with guys, alcohol, and comparing their breast size, I was blushing over the thought of a penis.

That, right there, was another reason why Conrad wasn't interested in me. I was so busy being Miss Top of the Class, I hadn't lived life outside of a book.

"Maybe I should have stuck around longer," Grace said. "I could have got you a photo." Before I could respond to that, she waved a hand at me. "I'm joking, I'm joking. I'd never take aphoto without consent. Besides, like I said, he wasn't there for very long."

I placed the tub and spoon on the coffee table just before one of Grace's cats slipped into my lap. She kneaded the fabric of my jeans for a moment before she curled up in a ball. I stroked her soft head and smiled.

"It must be nice to be a cat. Never having to worry about stuff like school, and men."

"Having to lick yourself clean," Grace said.
