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She stopped, turning toward him. “Why do you do that?”

“Do what?” Fuck, what had he done now?

“Answer like that?”

“Like what?” Maybe getting laid on a regular basis made her crazy because he swore, she’d never acted like this before they’d married.

“I say good night and you reply night.’

“Yeah, So. It’s the same thing.”

“It is not. I wish you a good night. A GOOD night. You know a happy one with—”

“If you really wanted me to have a good night, you’d let me shower with you.”

Her eyes narrowed but she rambled on as if he hadn’t spoken. “A night with good dreams and pleasant sleep but you wish me a night. What does that even mean? We both know it’s night. And you do the same thing in the morning.” She lowered her voice to imitate his. “Morning, Alison.” She went back to her normal tone. “I know it’s morning, but would it kill you to wish me a good morning or happy morning?”

“No one says happy morning.” Why had he been upset when she hadn’t been talking to him? It seemed like heaven now.

“That’s not the point.”

“For fuck’s sake. What is the point? There is none, but if it’ll make you happy, good”—he stressed the word—“night, Alison.”

“Ding. Ding. Ding. A point for me and that means, I win.” She grinned from ear-to-ear.

He’d never wanted to strangle someone as badly as he did right now.

CHAPTER 35: Harker

The next morning, Harker dried off after his shower and walked into the bedroom. It was Saturday but he had an early conference call and then he had to go look at a facility with Tobias.

Alison was still sleeping, curled on her side as far away from his spot on the bed as possible. Last night had been the second night in a row that they hadn’t had sex. He pulled on his underwear and grabbed a pair of black slacks. He paused, staring at the jeans next to them. It was Saturday, the jeans were comfortable and most important Alison really liked it when he wore them.

He dropped the slacks and put on the jeans. He needed all the help he could get. He’d behaved like an ass last night. He still couldn’t believe that she’d won the bet. He’d been so pissed that he’d hadn’t even tried to have sex with her.

“Tried? Ha,” he muttered to himself, as he walked to the closet to grab a business shirt. It wouldn’t have taken much trying on his part. She’d been so happy with herself she would’ve jumped him if he’d given her half a chance.

Instead, he’d acted like a dumbass. As soon as she’d said ding-ding-ding—and he’d picked his jaw up off the floor—he’d gone into his office and had stayed there until late that night.

When he’d finally gone to bed, she’d been asleep with a smile on her fucking face, and he’d still wanted to throttle her. He hadn’t been bested in anything in years.

He smirked slightly as he sat on the edge of the bed and put on his socks and shoes. He should’ve anticipated this. She was competitive and the smartest person he knew. Their kid was going to be out of this world intelligent. Of course, they wouldn’t have a kid if they kept fighting.

“Harker? Where are you going?” she asked as she rolled onto her back.

He turned and his dick began to harden. Her hair was tangled, and her face was soft with sleep. He wanted to crawl back into bed and hold her. Okay. He’d fuck her first and then hold her, but unfortunately, neither of those things were going to happen. “I have that conference call and then I’m going to check out a facility with Tobias.”

“Oh, yeah.” She smiled slightly. “I forgot.”

“I bet.” He finished tying his shoe and then leaned across the bed toward her. “You were probably too busy planning your next move to pay any attention to what I said…unless it was goodnight, Alison.”

She laughed. “That’s true. I was.”

“Well, congratulations.” He kissed her softly. “I should’ve said that last night.”

“Yes, you should’ve.” She ran her hands up his chest and over his shoulders before looping them around his neck. “You’re a terrible loser. You need to work on that. It’s not something you want our child to learn.”

“If our child learns how to always win, he or she won’t have to learn how to be a generous loser.” He kissed her again. “Like me.”
