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“May I join you?” Ethan motioned to the spot on the couch next to Alison.

“Ah...” Alison cleared her throat, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. “Sure.”

“Thank you.” Ethan sat.

Usually Harker admired the other man’s obsession with asking permission for everything, but tonight it was a little irritating. They all knew what was going to happen. They’d planned everything in advance. Soon, Ethan would be touching her, restraining her, eating her pussy. The man didn’t need to ask if he could sit next to her on the freaking couch and there was definitely no reason for Alison to almost fucking melt when she looked at the other man. Yes, women found Ethan gorgeous, but he was just a man.

“What do you like to drink?” Ethan stared at Alison as if she were the last woman in the world.

Harker could swear the other man was fluttering his lashes at her from the way she was blushing.

“Ah…I drink a lot of different things. Wine, tequila, whisky, beer.”

“Do you like cognac?” Ethan brushed a bit of hair from Alison’s shoulder and Harker was sure she sighed.

“I’ve never tried it.”

“Perfect because tonight is the night for trying new things.” Ethan raised his hand and a waitress appeared as if by magic. The service here was always good but that was almost unworldly. “Please bring us the bottle of Remy Martin Cognac Louis XIII. I left it with Bea behind the bar.”

“Yes, sir.” The waitress left.

“That’s a twenty-five-thousand-dollar bottle of cognac.” Harker was rich but he never wasted his money on anything so frivolous.

“Twenty-five thousand dollars?” Alison’s face paled and she almost choked.

“It’s on me.” Ethan’s hand brushed Alison’s arm as if by accident but Harker knew better. “Tonight the expense is worth it.”

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t pay for it.” Harker didn’t want her to think he was cheap.

“I didn’t say you did.” Ethan gave him a confused look over Alison’s head. “I’ve been waiting to have a drink from the bottle.” He looked at Alison and although his smile was charming there was a hint of sadness to it. “You’d be doing me a favor. I bought it to share with a woman I’d been dating but we broke up. It just sits in my office reminding me of her.”

“I’m so sorry.” Alison touched Ethan’s arm. “What happened? By the way you said that I’m guessing she dumped you.” Her eyes widened in horror. “Oh. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry. I…” She glanced at Harker. “He can tell you. I talk a lot especially when I’m nervous and I never think before I speak. I don’t have a filter or at least not a good one. The words just flow—”

“Please don’t apologize.” Ethan covered her small hand, which still rested on his arm, with his larger one. “I prefer candor”—his eyes took on a cloudy sadness that Harker could tell wasn’t rehearsed—"and yes, she broke up with me.”

That was the problem with Ethan. Everything about him was authentic. He fucked women right and left but they all adored him. He never lied to them or used them. He truly liked each and every one of them and it showed in his face. No wonder the fucker had them dropping at his feet and begging for a taste of his cock.

Harker may have arranged this evening, but it was time to remind them both that Alison belonged to him. He took her other hand and kissed it, before tucking it by his side. “Alison doesn't like cognac.”

CHAPTER 46: Alison

“Actually, I've never had it.” She had no idea why Harker was being so rude. She turned back toward Ethan. “I’d love to try some.”

Harker’s grip on her hand tightened and he mumbled something.

She ignored him. She knew that grumble. He was being grumpy about something. “If you don't mind me asking, what happened with this woman? Were the two of you serious?” She couldn’t imagine anyone breaking up with Ethan. He was charming, successful, rich and absolutely gorgeous.

“What I said”—interrupted Harker—“is that I don't like cognac.”

“Okay. That’s not a problem.” Ethan waved over a waitress. “Bring a bottle of bourbon for Harker. Apparently, he’s not in the mood for cognac.”

“I’m never in the mood for cognac,” he muttered.

“I’ve seen you drink it before,” said Ethan.

“I must’ve been drunk.”

“No. You weren’t.” Ethan gave him a funny look.

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