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“I may not have been falling down but I had to have been pretty drunk to drink cognac.”

Alison wasn’t in the mood to listen to these two argue about alcohol. She shifted toward Ethan. “If you don't want to talk about what happened with this woman, I understand. I've had plenty of breakups. There was this one guy who stood me up so he could stay home and watch TV.” She shook her head. “Who does that? I was going to put out that night too. I felt horrible and didn’t want to tell anyone. I blamed myself but then I talked to Ellie. Of course, she and I have been friends for a long time and you and I…well, we’ve just met. But”—she touched Ethan's arm—“it’s good to talk to somebody. It does make you feel better especially if you bash the person who broke up with you.” She laughed. “Oh, we so bashed that guy and then there was this other guy who picked me up for a date and his mother was driving. I know. I know. You probably think I’m talking about junior high or something but I’m not. We were both in our twenties. He’d lost his license. I probably should’ve been understanding. None of us are perfect, but his mom went into the restaurant with us and everything.” She shook her head, laughing. “I couldn’t see him again. I just couldn’t. Boy did Ellie and I laugh about that one.” She sighed. “I know you men don't like to talk about feelings but…” She clamped her hand over her mouth at the horrified yet amused expression on Ethan's face. “Sorry,“ she mumbled around her fingers. “I told you I talk a lot.”

“There is”—Ethan pried her fingers away from her face—“absolutely no reason to apologize. I find your chatter charming.” He grinned and Alison almost melted onto the couch. “And funny.”

“Just wait,” muttered Harker. “The charm wears off.”

Alison pulled her hand from Harker's grasp. She wanted to slap the big jerk but that’d make this even more awkward. So instead, she straightened the hem of her dress and folded her hands in her lap.

“I don’t think it will.” Ethan gave Harker an odd look before his beautiful blue eyes went back to her. His gaze was warm and interested. “I enjoy hearing people talk, especially women. They’re a conundrum to me. No matter how much I try to understand them, they always surprise me.” He smiled softly at her. “Plus, I don't talk to too many people, so this is certainly a welcome change.”

The waitress came over with their drinks.

Ethan poured two glasses of cognac. “It’s important to warm it a little but not too much or it’ll destroy the flavor.” He cupped the round snifter in his hands for a few minutes before handing it to her.

“I’ve never drank out of a glass like this.” She held it between her hands like he had.

“That’s part of what I love about cognac.” Ethan swirled the liquid in his glass, his gaze intense.

Alison felt herself leaning toward him.

“The shape of the glass. The warmth from your hand, heating the alcohol.” Ethan held it up to his nose. “The scents. A hint of orange. Caramel. The whole experience is sensual.” His gaze met hers. “Here's to getting to know each other better.” He tapped his glass against hers.

Alison’s pulse raced and her body tingled but she wasn't sure she was ready for this. She glanced at Harker but that was like throwing gas on a fire. His eyes were almost black with desire. Her body gushed, leaving her panties damp. Only this man could do that to her with one look. She took a sip as she turned back to Ethan.

His eyes roamed unashamedly over her body, stopping on her breasts.

Her nipples tightened. Okay. Maybe she could do this. She took a gulp of her drink and then coughed. “Oh. It’s a little stronger than I thought but sweet.”

“Do you like it?” Ethan’s gaze lifted to hers as he shifted a little closer, his hand resting on the couch next to her thigh.

She nodded but she was pretty sure she’d just made that cartoon gulp sound. She needed to slow this down because her nerves were on edge and her body was flushed. Or maybe she needed to speed this up. She wasn't sure what she should do so she did what she always did. “Why don’t you talk to many people? I’d think working…owning this place you’d be talking to people all the time. I'm glad you enjoy people who talk a lot because I talk even more when I’m nervous. The more nervous I am the more the words spill from my mouth, and I have to say that I’m pretty darn nervous right now.” She took a huge breath, preparing for the next burst of words.

“You're adorable.” Ethan laughed.

Good lord, this man was even more attractive when he smiled like that. She literally fanned herself a couple of times before she realized what she was doing. Unfortunately, he didn’t miss it because his smile widened.

“It’s not funny.” But she had to smile back at him because he was beautiful and genuine.

“It kind of is,” said Ethan. “I’ve never seen a woman actually do that before.”

“Really? I’m surprised. I bet a lot have wanted to around you.”

“I don’t know about that, but I know no one ever has.” His grinned deepened. “You’re my first.”

“Oh, you are trouble.” Her face heated. “No, you’re the devil. Handsome, charming, and dangerous to a woman’s virtue. Not that I still have my virtue. I lost that in the back of a Chevy…”

Ethan touched her cheek and kissed her. His lips were warm and firm, making her toes tingle. Unlike Harker's kisses which were hot and demanding, Ethan’s was more permission than possession. She turned, glancing at Harker. Even though their marriage wasn’t real, he was her husband and this man had just kissed her in front of him.

Harker’s gaze was incinerating as he leaned closer. His large body engulfing hers as he captured her chin, holding her for his kiss. His tongue traced her lower lip, and she opened for him. He immediately deepened the kiss, exploring her mouth, possessing her and making her body burn. She grabbed his shirt to steady herself as her world spun into passion.

Ethan moved closer, his strong body warming her back as he pushed her hair out of his way. His other hand rested on her waist, as he nibbled his way along her neck. Her body throbbed with sensation as both men worshiped her. Harker’s hand cupped her breast, teasing her nipple through the cloth and she moaned softly into his mouth. He nipped her lower lip as he pinched her nipple.

Ethan nibbled on her ear as his hand moved up from her waist, capturing her other breast. “Do you like this, Alison?”

She couldn't speak. She could barely think as Harker kissed her deeper. Feelings and sensations whirled inside her. She let go of Harker’s shirt with one hand and put it over Ethan’s on her breast. He stilled for a second as if waiting to see if she'd push him away, but she only held him closer.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Ethan smiled against the side of her neck as he slid his hand inside her dress.
