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“Harker, why are you—”

“Why am I what? Upset? We agreed. No sex.”

“We didn’t…He didn’t...”

“You sure as fuck wanted him too. Moaning and writhing, wanting his cock inside you.”

“I never—”

“Don’t fucking lie to me. You practically melted when the man touched you and when he took off his shirt? Fuck, I thought you were going to come.”

She bit her lip and her eyes filled with tears.

He looked away and started to pace so he didn’t have to see her cry because he was still too angry to stop. “Did you want to suck his dick? You do like doing that and you’re fucking great at it. You’re the best I’ve ever had but Ethan’s had more. Maybe I should call him back to get his opinion.”

Alison crawled out of bed, tucking the sheet around her.

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” He wasn’t done raging at her.

“I didn’t do anything wrong. I don't deserve to be treated like this.” She brushed past him.

“You are not leaving this room.” Harker followed her.

“I am leaving this room.” She dropped the sheet and grabbed her dress from the floor. “And you can’t stop me.”

“Really?” He strode over to her, letting her feel how much bigger and stronger he was than her. “I think I can.”

She glared up at him as she stepped into her dress. “Debug. I’m done with this game and I’m done with you.”

He almost snarled. He’d never wanted to ignore a safeword as much as he did now, but he didn’t move as she pushed past him and walked to the door.

“I guess your mom isn’t as important as fucking Ethan. I should’ve figured that. You women do fall all over yourselves for him. Let me tell you a secret; he’s not that fucking special. His dick is just like the rest of ours.”

“Go to hell, Harker.” She slammed the door as she left.

He started after her but stopped himself. He thumped his head against the door. What the fuck was wrong with him? He was a jackass. He needed to calm down, find her and apologize but if he saw her crying on Ethan’s shoulder, he’d probably be a raving ass again.

CHAPTER 50: Alison

Alison hurried down the hallway. She needed to get as far away from Harker as she could. She was so mad and hurt that she wanted to scream and cry at the same time, but she refused to do either of those until she got home. Then she’d probably do both. She reached for her keys.

Shit. She stopped. She didn’t have her purse. It was in the room and so was her phone. She glanced over her shoulder, half expecting to see Harker barreling toward her, but the hallway was empty. She swallowed back her tears. She was glad he wasn’t coming after her. She didn’t want to speak to him ever again, but it still hurt that he didn’t care even a little that he’d hurt her. Well, she certainly wasn’t going back to the room. One of the bouncers at the door would call a cab for her.

She walked into the main room of the Club and headed for the doors but there was some kind of commotion at the entrance. The bouncers were both standing and talking to someone and they didn’t look happy. Katie, the waitress, walked past her. “Excuse me.”

“Hi,” said Katie. “Would you like a drink?”

“Ah, no. Can I borrow your phone? I know. Who doesn’t have a cell phone? I do but I left it in the room and…uhm, I’m not going back there.”

“Oh.” Katie seemed to understand. “I get it. I do but I don’t have my phone. I left it at home with my sister. Check with Bea. There’s one behind the bar that you can use.”

“Okay. Thanks.” She made her way through the crowded room, side-stepping and squirming her way up to the bar.

“Be right with you,” said Bea as she passed by carrying several drinks.

Alison waited, every second seeming like an hour. The bartender whizzed by again and started making more drinks. Someone walked up behind her and she knew before he even spoke that it was Harker. It was like the air itself changed when he was near. Instead of being normal, breathable air it was charged with tension and excitement.

“Alison, I'm sorry. Please come back to the room with me so we can talk.”
