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“No, Harker. You made it perfectly clear what our relationship was. If I thought that there could’ve been more maybe I would've stuck around.” Dahlia turned toward Alison. “It was nice meeting you, but I should go.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought up the past,” said Alison.

“It’s okay,” said Dahlia. “The past is the past.”

“It is and we should leave it there.” Alison smiled. “Are you here with someone? Friends? A new boyfri…dom?”

“No, not tonight.” Dahlia smiled but it was sad.

“No one is alone at the Club unless he or she wants to be.” Harker was ready for this group chat to be done.

Alison frowned at him and shifted, excluding him from the conversation. “Please stay and have a drink with us. I promise not to bring up the past or your relationship.” She stood. “We’ll get a table.”

“Now, you want to get a table?” Harker gave her a disgusted look. Before they could’ve fucked at the table, but Alison wasn’t ready to do that in front of his former sub.

“Ignore him.” Alison took Dahlia’s arm and headed for a table. “Although I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how grumpy the man can be when he doesn't get his way.”

“I thought we were leaving the past in the past.” Harker grabbed their drinks and followed after them.

“You’re grumpy now,” said Alison. “So it’s not the past.”

“I don’t recall him ever not getting his way.” Dahlia gave her an odd look.

“Oh. Yeah, I guess that would’ve been frowned upon in the relationship you had. You know dom/sub and all that.”

“It’s frowned upon in our relationship too,” he muttered. “Not that it makes a damn bit of difference.”

Alison glanced at Dahlia and they both laughed, making Harker’s hell complete.

CHAPTER 54: Harker

Harker sat at his personal table in hell while his former sub, Dahlia, chatted with his wife, Alison. Normally, it wouldn’t bother him when an old girlfriend met a new one. He’d had subs compare notes plenty of times. Sometimes it’d even turned into a threesome, but that wouldn’t happen this time. After tonight’s fiasco, he was done with threesomes.

“Harker. Dahlia.” Richard, another member of the Club, walked up to their group. “How nice to see you tonight.” His eyes went to Alison.

Harker sighed. He’d just descended to the next level in hell. Richard was an older man who he usually enjoyed talking to, but the guy was a nosy bastard who could root out gossip like a pig found truffles. “Alison this is Richard. Richard this is my wife, Alison.”

“Nice to meet you.” Alison stood and shook Richard's hand.

“I'd heard you got married.” Richard clasped both of Alison’s hands in his “But I hadn’t quite believed it. However, now I understand.” His eyes darted to Dahlia. “The heart can be a tricky thing because your previous sub was quite marry-worthy too.”

“Thank you, Richard,” said Dahlia. “But I don't need my ego boosted nor my feelings coddled. Alison and I are friends.”

Harker rolled his eyes. Just what he needed. His former sub as his wife’s best friend. That spelled disaster for him.

“I wouldn't have expected anything else from you Dahlia.” Richard smiled kindly. “And Alison, since I don't know you, I wouldn't have expected anything but I'm glad everyone is acting like adults.”

“It’d be stupid to act any other way,” said Alison. “It’s not like I didn’t have lovers before Harker, and I knew at his age he certainly wasn't a virgin.” Her face flushed. “Not that he’s old or anything.”

Harker pictured himself pulling out a chair at his hell-table for his wife as she tried to yammer her way out of this crater sized hole she’d created. Richard was considerably older than he was.

“Not that age has much to do with that. I mean, unless you’re like ten or something. Obviously, none of us are that young. Or virgins.” Alison continued to ramble as Richard’s gaze slid to Harker.

“She talks a lot.” He shrugged.

Alison's mouth snapped shut so fast he heard her teeth clank.

Pissing her off might be the best way to get out of this conversation. “Especially when she’s nervous.” He shook his head. “I swear sometimes she never shuts up.”
