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Richard’s eyes narrowed, his gaze confused and slightly appalled as he turned back toward Alison. “I find it refreshing when a woman speaks her mind.”

“Thank you.” Alison sent Harker a dirty look. “Would you like to join us?”

Harker considered getting a ball gag for his wife, but it wasn't her fault. She didn't know that Richard spent his free time poking his nose into everyone’s business. The man knew everything about everyone, and he had to be curious about Harker’s sudden marriage. Richard would pepper them with innocuous questions that’d end up stinging like a swarm of hornets.

“Thank you. I did want to talk to Harker about that contract.” Richard sat on the chair next to him. “My lawyer will be sending it back to yours. There are some major modifications that need to be agreed upon before I sign.”

“Major modifications? About what? We agreed on everything that’s in the contract.”

“Everything except those loopholes you added.” Richard shook his head. “I have no idea why I do business with you.”

Harker snorted. “Because I make you a ton of money.”

“No, that’s not it.” Richard tapped his fingers on the chair. “I already have a ton of money.”

“One can never have enough money,” he said.

“True, but I think I continue to do business with you because I love the perverse challenge of finding all those perfectly worded clauses and addendums.” Richard laughed. “Your contracts are notorious for allowing you to wriggle out of everything and I love finding every single one and making you remove it.”

“I don't wriggle out of anything.”

“Unless the deal goes south. Then I've seen you wriggle like a worm fleeing a bird.”

“I protect my assets. It’s good business.” He never used the addendums unless he had to.

“That’s true and I do commend you for that.” Richard turned toward Alison. “I hope you were careful when you signed that prenup.”

“We didn't have a prenup.” She took a drink of her water.

“No prenup?” Richard’s head almost snapped off his neck as he swung toward Harker.

“Oh. No. I mean that we would've except…” Alison's face flushed. “We…ah…we signed a contract instead. It's like a prenup. I guess. So, yeah. I was careful.”

Richard gave him a confused look before turning back toward Alison. “Then I hope you had a lawyer look it over carefully.”

“Our contract was pretty straight forward.” Alison's face paled.

“With Harker's money nothing is simple or straight forward,” said Richard.

“Our contract is fine.” He didn’t need Alison reading the damn thing again. “I wouldn't use a loophole on my wife.” He may have put them in, but he wouldn’t use them.

“Of course not,” said Richard.

It was clear that the other man didn't believe that at all and now Alison was getting suspicious. He should’ve never brought her here. No, he should’ve never let her leave their room. She wouldn’t have if he hadn’t gotten jealous. He never got jealous. What was happening to him? He wasn’t an emotional man, but this woman was exploding through his life and ripping him apart from the inside out.

“Enough about contracts,” said Dahlia.

“You’re right,” said Richard. “Business is boring.” He smiled and Harker braced for the next blow because Richard’s eyes only gleamed like that when he was going in for the kill. “Let’s talk about your marriage. So where did the two of you go on your honeymoon?”

“We stayed here.” Harker was going to hear it now and he was in no mood for a lecture.

“You didn’t take your bride anywhere?” Richard shook his head. “Let me give you some advice—”

CHAPTER 55: Alison

“I don’t need your advice.” Harker’s soft voice sent alarm bells ringing through Alison.

“We were going to.” She jumped in because if Richard kept annoying Harker, their night would be over soon. “But I had too much work. Mac, who Harker hired”—she sent him a soft smile—“has been a big help but we’re still behind.”
