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“I want you to understand that depending on how it’s written, there may be something we can do, but probably not much.”

“I know.” She swallowed. “But I want to know the truth.”

“Okay. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”

“Thank you again and Dan?”


“Make sure you charge me full price.”

“Alison, I’m not going to—”

“I insist. Send the bill to Mrs. Augustus Harker.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Harker has plenty of money.”

“Okay. I’ll talk to you soon.” He hung up.

Alison stared at the computer, feeling guilty. She shouldn't have done that. She trusted Harker, but something wasn’t adding up.

CHAPTER 60: Harker

Harker had spent most of the day puttering around his office. He’d had a moment of panic after he’d woken and hadn’t found Alison in the house. She was angry but he was pretty sure she wouldn’t leave. She’d be giving up a lot of money if she did. Still, he’d quietly made his way to her office and had peeked into the room—he refused to think he’d crept. That was creepy. He just didn’t want to disturb her. He also refused to think about how once he’d seen her sitting at her computer, he’d been able to breathe again.

He’d gone back to the main part of the house, showered, grabbed something to eat, ran to the store and then had taken a nap. Now, it was almost dinner, and she still wasn’t home. Enough was enough. He made his way down the hallway and stepped into her office. “Hey. You hungry?”

Alison jumped, turning toward him. “You scared me.”

“Sorry. I didn't mean to.” He watched her closely, looking for any sign that she wasn’t mad at him anymore. He didn’t want to fight with her. He wanted to touch her, kiss her and fuck her, but he’d be happy just holding her…at least for a bit.

“I know you didn’t mean to scare me.” She didn’t smile at him.

“I ordered some groceries.”

“You’re going to cook?”

“No.” He grinned. “I don’t want to poison us.” He took it as a good sign when she smiled even though it only lasted a second. “I ordered food from the deli. Rotisserie chicken, veggies, rolls. That kind of stuff.”

“Sounds good.” She turned back to the computer. “Give me a few minutes to finish this up.”

“A few minutes? You always say that and then an hour later, I’m back here dragging you away from your desk.” He should’ve walked away but the words had slipped out of his mouth.

“I mean it.” She sent him a disgusted look. “I'll be there in ten minutes. I don’t lie.”

His jaw clenched at her jab. So the war wasn’t over. It’d just taken a break. “Please. You’ve lied numerous times about work, staying a lot longer than you promised.”

“That’s different.”

“You’re the one who used it as a comparison.”

“Now, I’m un-using it.”

“You can’t take it back. You said it and I called you on it. You’ve lied to me about this a lot. A LOT.”

“It’s not the same and I’m not lying this time.”
