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“No, you don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t have snuck into bed with me. You knew I didn’t want to be around you.”

“We’re married. We sleep together. It’s that simple.”

“It’s not simple. If I’m mad and don’t want to sleep with you—”

“We’re married. We sleep together. I’ve seen a lot of couples marry and divorce. One of the things I've noticed is that they stop sleeping together for one reason or another. He works late. She fidgets in her sleep. He likes the room cold, and she likes it hot. Whatever the reason, it’s bullshit. You and me”—he pointed at her and then himself—“we sleep together.”

“Is it in the contract?” She knew it wasn’t.

“It should be.”

“But it isn’t. So that means I don’t have to do it.”

“Maybe we should say fuck the contract on this issue and decide as a married couple.”

“Sounds good. I say I can sleep by myself whenever I want to.”

“And I say we sleep together. So we sleep together.”

“Excuse me?”

“I’m the man. My vote counts more.” His lips turned upward in a silly grin.

Damn him. He was trying to be cute and succeeding. “It so does not. I’m the woman so my vote counts more.”

“I would suggest we bet on it but we both know how that’ll turn out.”

“Yeah, with me winning.”

“No, with us fighting.”

“Before I win.” She gave him a look, daring him to disagree.

He nodded slightly, admitting again that she’d beat him.

“We fight enough. I don't think we need to make our life more difficult.

“I agree. How about you concede on this one and I’ll concede on the next?”

“You can’t promise that. You don’t even know what the next argument will be.” She studied him. He was up to something.

“I just did promise it and it doesn’t matter. I’ll concede. I promise.”

“I want that in writing.”

“A woman after my own heart.” He smiled. “So we agree that we’ll concede to every other argument?”

“Only major arguments. Not what we’re having for dinner.”

His eyes narrowed. “We argue a lot about what we’re going to eat.”

“Oh my god. That's what you were planning to use as your concession, wasn’t it?”

“No. Or at least not until you mentioned it.” He smirked. “It would be perfect.”

“No. Absolutely not.” She laughed. “The concessions have to be over a major issue. A big fight.”

“I can argue a lot over food.”
