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“I know that tone,” said Ellie. “That big brain of yours is working overtime. I have to tell you, I’m both terrified and fascinated. What are you going to do?”

“I’ll explain everything tonight. Right now, I have to get ready. I’m going shopping. I need a new outfit.”

“Oh…I’m so excited. Where do you want to meet?”

“Murphy's. We can get something to eat. I'm in the mood for some fried, greasy, fatty foods. We’ll eat, I’ll tell you everything and then we’ll go out clubbing.”

CHAPTER 69: Harker

Harker closed his computer. It was late. Time to go face the wrath that was Alison. He still hadn’t decided if he should seduce her or wait. They both had merits. He walked down the hallway toward his house.

He loved the slow art of seduction—the seemingly accidental touches of his hand and body against hers, the covert looks that lasted only long enough for her to notice, the double entendres and dance of words. It was mental foreplay that could last for hours and lead to mind-blowing sex.

However, while he wasn’t a fan of abstinence, this time waiting might be worth it. Alison would hold out, fighting her desire, until she was creaming her panties when he looked in her direction. That would mean when they finally did fuck, it’d be rough, hard and desperate.

The question was how long would he have to wait? If he seduced her, he’d have sex tonight. That was a big plus. He wasn’t in the mood to wait days. He needed to gauge exactly how angry she was—one day mad or one week mad. He’d be willing to wait a day or two for a night of hard, selfish fucking but a week? No way.

He walked into his house. Alison wasn't in the living room. He headed toward the bedroom, the faint hint of perfume making his balls tighten. Maybe she wasn’t angry at all anymore.

He stepped into the doorway and his dick about punched a hole through his pants. Alison wore a slinky black dress that he'd never seen, and he knew that for sure because he’d remember that dress on his deathbed.

She had one foot on the bed, pulling sheer black stockings up her long, shapely leg. She glanced at him as she put her foot down and slid it into a sexy, black high-heeled shoe before putting her other foot on the bed.

His eyes roamed over her. The dress looked like a slip and it hugged her ass and scooped down at the front. If she bent, he’d be able to see her breasts. If this was any other day, he’d tell her to bend because he really wanted to see her tits. Instead, he said, “I hadn't expected this but I’m definitely not disappointed.” He leaned against the doorframe to stop himself from charging into the room and throwing her on the bed. “You look amazing. I don't think I'll be able to make it through dinner without tearing your clothes off with my teeth.”

“I'm sure you'll make it through dinner and longer.” She put her leg down, slipping on her other shoe before walking into the bathroom.

He followed as if on a leash, stopping in the doorway. His dick grew another inch as she picked up a tube of lipstick and opened her mouth wide before sliding that phallic shaped gloss all over her lips.

That was it. His control snapped. “Fuck dinner. We’re not even going to make it out of the bathroom.” He took a step, ready to grab her, drop her sexy ass on the sink and slide into her so deep she screamed.

She spun toward him. “Don’t touch me. You lost that right.”

“Oh. I get it.” He hated this game, but he’d play, and he’d win. “You’re going to get all dressed up in clothes that scream please fuck me but not let me touch you until I change the contract.” He leaned against the wall, to make sure he didn’t reach for her. “Well my dear, it’s not going to work. I’m more stubborn than you are, and I’ll win this game.”

“I’m not playing a game.” She dropped the lipstick in her purse. “You’re not touching me until I know for sure I’m not pregnant.”

“Are you pregnant?” Excitement raced through him. “Do you need to sit? Are you hungry?” He wanted to hug her, hold her, protect her.

“I don’t know, but I could be. Until I do know or you change that contract, we aren’t having sex.”

He wasn’t one to be threatened. “If you break the contract, you lose everything.” He stalked toward her. “Your job. Your program. Everything.”

“I have no intention of breaking the contract.”

“And how do you expect to get pregnant if we don’t have sex?”

“I may be pregnant.”

“Possibly.” He moved closer. His eyes darted to her throat where her pulse beat erratically. He’d trained her well. She may hate him right now, but her body wanted his. “But if not, you will have to have sex with me.”

“Yes, after my period we’ll have sex.” Her body swayed toward him.

He fought a grin. She was so close if she took a deep breath her tits would rub against his chest.

“Once. And then a month later, once again, until I am pregnant.”

“Once a month?” That was not happening. He needed sex a lot more than that and even though he could fuck someone else he didn’t want to. Right now, he was too fascinated by her.
