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“Some laws should’ve never been changed,” muttered Ethan.

Ellie’s mouth dropped open.

“Oh, you mean like the one where oral sex was illegal?” Alison tried not to laugh.

“No. Not that law.” Ethan frowned but his eyes sparkled with amusement. “That should’ve never been illegal. Too hard to enforce. I mean, who’s going to report it?” He winked at her as his phone buzzed. He pulled it from his pocket and glanced at it. “Excuse me.” He turned and walked away.

“That man is such a jerk,” said Ellie.

“You’re just mad at him because he was pissed that you snuck into the Club. I think he’s sweet and sexy as sin.”

“Yeah, he’s hot but you’ve never been on the receiving side of his temper. I have. He can be a real ass…” Ellie’s eyes widened. “Ah…Alison, as your friend I think you should run.”

“What?” She spun around and her stomach dropped to her toes as Harker strode through the crowd toward her.

“I’ve never seen anyone that angry,” whispered Ellie. “I swear I can see steam coming from his ears like in a cartoon.”

“Oh…shit.” Alison hopped off her seat.

“He won’t hurt you, will he?” asked Ellie.

“Ah…no.” She didn’t think so. “But maybe I should use the restroom.” She wasn’t proud of it but apparently her fight or flight instinct was flight.

“Good idea.” Ellie pushed her. “Go. I’ll see if I can stall him.”

Alison hurried toward the back hallway.

“Alison, stop,” Harker roared.

She froze, glancing over her shoulder as he stormed toward her. “Nope. Not a good idea.” She ran through the crowd toward the bathroom.

CHAPTER 2: Harker

Harker was furious when he arrived at La Petite Mort Club, but when he walked inside and saw Ethan talking to Alison, he lost it. Everything disappeared except the two of them, chatting so cozily together…without him.

Rage surged through him for the first time in years. In college after Merri had chosen Tobias, he’d mastered the art of turning his anger into ruthlessness, but once again it filled him, blocking out everything else. She was his and Ethan had no right to be anywhere near her.

People took one look at him and stepped aside. It was like the parting of the Red Sea as he made his way across the bar. Ethan walked away from Alison, but Harker’s focus stayed on her. She glanced at him and the panic in her eyes before she scurried away fed his fury.

“Alison, stop!” He shifted direction like a missile seeking its target.

She hesitated, glancing at him before turning and running in the other direction.

“Son of a…” He was going to wring her pretty little neck. He took off after her, not caring who he bumped into or the fact that well-known, reputable doms did not chase their subs across a bar. This was going to be the talk of the Club for months, maybe years and he didn’t give a fuck.

She darted down the hallway toward the restrooms—like that’d stop him. Nothing would keep him from her.

“Alison, if you know what's good for you, you’ll stop right now,” he yelled.

She ran faster, disobeying him again. He charged forward, launching himself at her. His arms wrapped around her as he pushed her against the wall. He placed his hands on either side of her head, trapping her with his body.

“Harker? What are you doing here?” She stared at him with an innocent expression on her face, but her chest heaved from her race across the bar, making her breasts rub against him with every breath.

“I saw you with him.” His cock rose from her nearness. He should shove that sexy dress up and fuck her right here. Show her and everyone that she belonged to him.

“With whom?” she asked.

“Don't play dumb. You came here to be with Ethan.”
