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“I know.” Ellie squeezed her hand. “And it was a shit thing for him to do. Talk to him about it. Explain it to him.”

“I’ve tried.” She pushed her shot glass forward, signaling the bartender for a refill. It killed her that Harker wouldn’t even attempt to understand her point of view.

“Okay.” Ellie sighed. “Let’s look at this logically. First, we both know you aren’t going to go out every night sucking stranger’s dicks.”

“I might.” Alison glanced at her out of the corner of her eyes and tried not to smile.

“Right.” It was clear Ellie didn’t believe that at all. “So, since torturing him until he goes mad with jealousy isn’t going to happen, what are your other choices? I agree he should change the contract but are you willing to throw all of this away if he doesn’t?”

“No. I want my program and my partnership.”

“Is that all you want out of this?”

It wasn't but she wasn't ready to admit that to anyone, even her best friend.

“Because if that's all you want then I don't understand why you're so upset if Harker sleeps with other women.” Ellie glanced around. “If he’s coming here for sex, you don’t have to worry about STDs. I can’t believe how often Adrian and I have to be tested just to maintain our membership. We don’t even sleep with anyone but each other.” Ellie took a sip of her drink. “And Harker’s right. Only the paternity of a child is ever in question. So if all you really want is to have his child in order to get your partnership, then why do you care if he has sex with someone else?”

“I hate it when you make sense.” Alison finished her drink in three gulps and pushed her glass to the front of the bar.

“That's what friends are for.” Ellie tossed back her shot, wincing.

“No. Friends are for agreeing with you and being on your side and you're not doing that.” She’d wanted a fun night of Harker bashing. Instead she was being lectured about things she was trying to ignore like her feelings for her jerk of a husband.

“Are you sure you're not pregnant? You're usually much more rational than this.”

“No. At least I don’t think so. You know my periods are never regular, especially when I’m stressed.” Her last one had been a bit of spotting for only about half a day, but the same thing had happened a couple of times during college. Back then, she’d freaked out, thinking she was pregnant, but she hadn’t been. She’d just been over stressed, and college was nothing compared to her marriage.

“Maybe you should see a doctor or take a pregnancy test.”

“Not necessary. I’m only irrational because Harker drives me crazy.”

“So you are in love.” Ellie smiled at her.

“No. I'm just very competitive and the bastard won. I don't care whether he has sex with someone else or not.” Oh, that was a doozy of a lie, but there was no going back. “What bothers me is that he tricked me, and I fell for it.”

“Do you want to have sex with someone else?”

“That's not the point.” She only wished she did want to fuck someone else. This would be so much easier if her feelings weren’t involved.

“I think that's exactly the point. I understand that you’re both competitive but—”

“Good evening, ladies.” Ethan walked up to them. “I didn’t expect to see you here without your partners.”

“It’s allowed, isn’t it?” Ellie smiled at him, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Or am I breaking another rule?”

Alison knew her friend wasn’t Ethan’s biggest fan, but she had nothing against the man.

“Of course, it’s allowed. It’s just unexpected.” He turned toward Alison. “It’s good to see you again.” His eyes roamed over her. “You look lovely this evening.”

“Thank you.” Alison couldn’t help it; she blushed. Ethan was so damn hot and what they’d done the last time she’d been here...

“I’m surprised Harker let you out of his sight,” he said. “He does have a jealous streak when it comes to you.”

“He wasn’t happy about it.” That was an understatement.

“Does he know you’re here?” he asked.

“No, and he doesn’t need to,” said Ellie. “He doesn’t own her.”
