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“That would make a difference. Do you have proof that you actually did these things?”

“What kind of proof?”

“Did anyone see you? Are there cameras in the house?”

“No. We were alone. And I don’t think there are cameras inside his house.”

“Then it’ll be his word against yours.”

“And since he’s rich and male, he wins.” She was so angry she was ready to cry.

“Not necessarily. We can get traffic cam footage that shows he went to La Petite Mort Club on your wedding night. That can go a long way with a judge.”

“You can get witnesses too. I know several people who he spoke with when he was there.”

“That won’t work. No one from the Club will talk.”

“You can subpoena them.”

“I’m sorry but no one will remember anything.”

“The rich protect the rich.” She wanted to scream and cry. She’d known this. She’d seen it in college and at her jobs, but she’d thought Harker was different. She’d been so wrong.

“They protect themselves.”

“Then there’s nothing I can do.”

“Don’t give up yet. Like I said, first find out if you’re pregnant and we can proceed from there. And just so I'm clear, you do have access to Harker’s money, correct? If not, I perform some pro-bono work.”

“Charge me full price. Harker's paying for this.” She was going to make sure he paid dearly for making her fall in love with him and then tearing her apart.

“May I speak with you for a minute alone.” Terry glanced at Dan.

“I’ll wait for you outside.” Dan left the office.

She wasn’t sure she could take anymore. Her heart was already destroyed.

“As I said, I know Harker. He's ruthless in business but…” He paused. “I’m going to speak bluntly since you know about the Club. Harker has always been loyal to his subs. He’s fair and treats them well.”

“I’m not his sub.”

“The point I’m trying to make is, has Harker done anything to make you think he doesn’t intend on honoring the contract?”

“He’s lied to me since the beginning. Those clauses in the contract prove it.”

“Perhaps and perhaps not. Harker is very good at minimizing his risks but he’s fair. I know many people who have done business with him on multiple occasions. The contracts are always…slippery…but if everything goes well, I’ve never known Harker to use any of the addendums to not honor the contract. He wouldn’t last long in business if he did.”

“So you’re saying that as long as I do whatever he wants, you think he’ll honor the contract? That he won’t take my baby away from me?”

“I truly don’t think he’ll do that for any reason.”

“Would you risk it if it were your child?” Her hand rested on her stomach again and she prayed that nothing lived in there.

“No. I wouldn’t, but if you’re not pregnant and are willing to continue with the contract, we’ll renegotiate and either get that clause removed or we’ll end the contract.”

“And if I am?”

“Then I’ll prepare for the worst and start making a case to prove that you didn’t refuse him on your wedding night, but I don’t think we’ll need it.”
