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“Let’s hope I’m not pregnant because I don’t have any faith that Harker will do the right thing. He only does what’s best for him.” She stood. “I’ll let you know when I hear from the doctor.”

CHAPTER 6: Alison

Alison left Terry’s office in a daze. She couldn’t believe Harker had set this all up to cheat her, to take her child from her. He’d wanted full custody from the beginning but to do this…Bile rose in her throat, and she ran into the bathroom. She dropped on the floor again and gagged but she had nothing left inside her stomach or her heart. It was over. She didn’t care about Angel Face or the money. She just wanted out.

“Alison, are you okay?” Dan tapped on the door.

“Yeah.” She lied. She’d never be okay again. She’d fallen in love with a ruthless monster. “I’ll be out in a minute.” She stood and walked to the sink, rinsing her mouth and splashing water on her face. She didn’t recognize the woman who stared back at her. She was pale and her eyes were defeated. Her world had been destroyed by the one person she’d trusted more than anyone, but there was nothing left for her to do but move forward. She dried her face and hands before stepping out of the restroom.

“Sorry.” She struggled not to cry at the concerned look on Dan’s face. He was such a good guy. Why couldn’t she have fallen for him?

“Don’t be sorry,” he said. “This was a lot to take.”

“Still. You know me. I’m not usually so”—tears welled up in her eyes—“emotional.” She sobbed.

“It’ll be okay.” Dan pulled her close, patting her back.

“No…no, it won’t.” She cried harder. “I love him.”

“Oh, Alison. I’m so sorry.”

She nodded, the tears coming faster.

“I know you don’t feel this way now, but it will get better…easier…with time.”

“How much?” she mumbled against his expensive suit that was now stained with her tears.

“I’ll tell you when I know.”

“I’m sorry about Lisa.” She stepped back, breaking the embrace.

“Me too, but it is getting easier.” He smiled sadly.

“I’m glad.” She wiped her eyes. “I don’t know why I’m so…It’s been crazy lately. One minute I’m happy and the next it’s like everything is just so…bleak and I’m so sad and tired.”

“When do you hear back from the doctor?” He frowned.

“I’m supposed to call the day after tomorrow if I haven’t heard from them, but I really don’t think I’m pregnant. I had my period not too long ago.” Her phone buzzed and she pulled it from her purse. She looked up at him. “It’s the doctor.”

“Okay.” Dan stepped back. “Don’t do anything rash. Talk to me or Terry before you make any decision. Okay?”

“I will.” She nodded but she was pretty sure she had no decision to make. There was only one reason the doctor would be calling her.

CHAPTER 7: Harker

Harker looked up as Alison stormed into his office. Perfect timing. He’d just finished his email to his lawyer. He could show it to her and then things could go back to normal.

“If you try to take my child from me, you’ll be sorry. I don’t care what I have to do but I will not let you take my baby.”

“What are you talking about?” He closed his laptop. She was finally speaking to him. Okay, she was yelling but after days of silence he’d take whatever he could get.

“Don’t play dumb. I just met with my lawyer, and we went over the entire contract.” The anger in her eyes shifted to hurt. “I can't believe you planned on taking my baby.” Her hands pressed against her stomach protectively.

“Are you pregnant?” Everything else disappeared as he stared at her, waiting for the words that’d change his life.

“I suppose I have to tell you.” Her face hardened. “Yes, I’m pregnant.”

He stared at her, unsure what to do. He wanted to pull her into his arms and keep her safe, but she looked like she just might stab him if he tried.
