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“Exactly how I feel.” She shook her head. “But there is good news. This”—she waved her hand between them—“is done. It’s over. I'm pregnant. Now, we can get divorced.”

“No. We can work this out.” He wasn't letting her go.

“We can never fix what you tried to do.” She wrapped her arms around her body. “I could forgive you for not changing the monogamy clause. I might have even been able to forgive you for trying to cheat me out of my partnership. It is business after all, and you always win at business. But putting in those loopholes to take my child from me…” Tears welled in her eyes.

His chest tightened. “I never would’ve—”

“Then why is it in the contract? And we’ll fight it if you try. My lawyer already said that you can’t void the contract because I refused to sleep with you if I may have been pregnant. So that only leaves our wedding, and we’ll prove that I didn’t refuse you. I was willing but you left.”

“Is that what this is about?” The grip around his heart eased.

“Don’t make it sound like it’s nothing. I won’t let you take my baby.”

“I’d never do that. I’ll never even try.” He walked toward her, reaching for her but dropped his arms when she stepped back. “Alison, please. You know me better than that. I would never try and take your child…our child from you.”

“I don’t know you at all. The man I thought I knew wouldn’t have even put something like that in the contract.”

“I’ll remove it.”

“Y-you will?” Some of the hurt and anger faded from her eyes.

“Yes.” He took a small step closer. “I’ll call my lawyer right now.” He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed.

“How do I know you’re really calling your lawyer?”

His jaw clenched but arguing with her wouldn’t do him any good.

“Hey, Harker,” said his lawyer.

“Hold on, John. I’m putting you on speaker so Alison can hear.”

“Okay,” said John.

“What do you do for a living?” he asked.

“Excuse me?” asked John.

“Answer my question,” he said.

“Okaaay. I’m a lawyer. Your lawyer and I’m a bit confused by this call,” said John.

“Satisfied,” he asked Alison.

She nodded, her lips still tight with annoyance.

“John, I need you to modify the marriage contract. I want you to remove everything in there about Alison losing custody.”

“Are you sure?” asked John.

“Yes and do it right away. Email me a copy as soon as you’re done.”

“Will do.” John hung up.

Harker slid the phone into his pocket. “See.” He took her hands.

“Thank you.” She pulled from his grasp and headed for the door.

“Where are you going?” He followed her out of the business section of the house and into their bedroom.
