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“Okay. More for me.” She stuffed the clump she’d offered him into her mouth before turning and looking at the other food on the shelves.

She grabbed a package of cheddar cheese and a hunk of jalapeno cheese. She dropped the cheddar cheese into the cart and then shoved the jar of sauerkraut at him. He grabbed it but not before the juice spilled down his shirt—cold and stinky.

She didn’t even notice as she tore open the package of jalapeno cheese with her teeth before taking a huge bite. “Oh…this combination is so good, but we still need…” She took off down the aisle.

“Alison, wait.” He put the lid on the sauerkraut and followed her to the breakfast food aisle.

She tossed cereal, Pop-Tarts, and oatmeal into the cart. “Pancakes. We still need pancakes.”

“Got it.” He grabbed a box of pancake mix.

“Do you know how to make pancakes?”

“No, but it can’t be that difficult.” He stared at the box in his hand. The instructions looked easy-ish.

“Frozen pancakes are easier.” She walked away.

He dropped the box in the cart before trailing after her. Maybe he’d learn to make pancakes and surprise her with breakfast in bed one day. With as hungry as she was right now, cooking might get him some bonus points.

She grabbed a package of blueberry pancakes from the freezer and opened them.

“Ah, those are frozen.” He wasn’t too sure she wouldn’t eat them anyway.

“I know.” She looked up at him. “Do they have a microwave here that we can use?”

“No. They don't.” He had no idea, but he wasn’t asking. People were already staring at them like they were nuts.

“They should.” She dropped the pancakes in the cart and continued down the aisle, grabbing items off the shelf. Her selections made no sense to him. She filled the cart with frozen peas, egg sandwiches, egg rolls, anything that caught her eye.

Then they went around the corner, and she tossed several cartons of ice cream into the cart before hurrying off to the next aisle and then the next. They’d have enough groceries to last them a month or more, but he didn’t say a word. She’d let him fuck her today. He’d buy her the entire grocery store if she’d let him do it again.

An older woman gave him a strange look.

“She’s pregnant.” He shrugged.

“Oh.” The woman nodded and smiled. “I remember those days.”

Alison spun around, glaring at him. “We weren’t telling anyone yet.” Her hand went to her stomach and her eyes filled with tears. “Most miscarriages happen during the first trimester. I don't want to explain to everyone that I lost my baby.”

“She’s not everyone. She’s just a lady in the grocery store.” He glanced at the woman. “No offense.”

“None taken.” The woman smiled at Alison. “It’ll be fine, dear.”

“Thank you.” Alison smiled and it was so happy and sweet that Harker’s chest hurt. She used to look at him like that.

“Is this your first?” asked the lady.

“Yes.” Alison nodded. “And I'm so worried.” She touched her belly again.

“You'll be fine. Just listen to your body and your doctor.”

“Thank you. I will.” Alison hugged the woman.

The woman seemed surprised but gave her a warm hug. “You’ll be a wonderful mother,” she said before walking away.

As soon as the woman left the aisle, Alison turned toward him, frowning. “Quit telling people I’m pregnant. I haven’t even told my mom yet and you’re telling everyone.”

“I’m not telling everyone. I haven’t said a word to anyone.”
