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The scent of sauerkraut on his shirt made bile surge up her throat. “I’m going to puke.” She covered her mouth and raced across the garage. “Harker! Unlock the door.”

“Shit. Right.” He hurried to her side and opened the door to the house.

She pushed past him and ran to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before dropping to her knees and tossing up everything she’d eaten in the store. Harker walked into the room and stood beside her, gathering her hair and holding it away from her face.

“Go away,” she muttered when she quit puking.

“Shush.” He bent and kissed the back of her head.

“I’m fine.” She vomited again but there was nothing left but water. She grabbed some toilet paper and wiped her mouth before flushing the toilet.

“You feel better?” He took her arm and helped her stand.

The concern in his eyes made her want to cry. Her heart was being shredded by this man. “Yeah, but I’m going to go lie down.”

“Okay.” He kissed her forehead. “Get some rest.” He left.

She splashed water on her face and then brushed her teeth before leaving the bathroom. Her head spun as exhaustion washed over her in waves. She stumbled into the bedroom and flopped onto the bed. She was so tired she didn’t even bother to crawl under the blankets.

A few minutes later she heard Harker walk past the room and down the hallway. She opened her eyes. Damn it. She’d gone to Harker’s bedroom not hers. His footsteps headed back in her direction, stopping in the doorway.

“Don't make anything out of this,” she mumbled. She should get up and go to her room…she would, after she slept a little.

He didn’t say a word as he walked into the room and put a bottle of water and a few packs of crackers on the nightstand.

“I’m exhausted. I was too tired to go to my bed so that's why I’m in yours. It doesn’t mean anything.”

“It means something to me.”

“It shouldn't.” She didn’t want it to mean anything to either of them.

“This morning when we made love—”

“We didn't make love. We had sex. I was horny and it's not like you can get me more pregnant.” She curled onto her side, away from him. “Please, go away. I’ll move to my bed later.”

She had no idea how long he’d stood there. She’d never heard him leave but when she rolled over the room was empty and the door was closed. He’d been so nice all day and she’d been an ass. She hated herself for treating him like that, but if she let herself be nice to him, she’d fall even more in love with him. She couldn’t let that happen. She could not love a man who’d planned on taking her child from her.

CHAPTER 14: Alison

When Alison woke the sun was setting. She’d slept the entire day. She sat up and stretched. She was still tired but now she was starving again. She climbed out of bed and opened the door. Something smelled delicious. She followed the scent into the kitchen.

Harker stood at the stove, stirring something in a big pan. He turned and her heart melted at his sexy grin. “Hey, I was wondering when you’d wake. Do you feel better?”

“Yeah.” She almost took a step back. She could not have sex with him again, but if he kept looking at her like that, she was going to tear his clothes off. She had to focus on something besides the sexy man in the kitchen. “You’re cooking?” Neither of them ever cooked.

“Yeah.” He looked so proud of himself. “I made that bread mix you grabbed. It was pretty easy, and it turned out great.” He stepped to the counter where a loaf of homemade bread sat, a few slices already gone. “Do you want some?”

“You don’t cook.” This wasn’t right. She was miserable because of him. He didn’t get to be happy and supportive.

“I’m learning. I made some chicken soup. I looked up a recipe online.” He walked back to the stove and stirred the soup. “It’s not ready. The vegetables are still a little hard, but the broth tastes good. Try it.” He held out the spoon.

“I don’t want your soup.” How long had she slept? He was now the perfect man and it made her want to scream at how unfair it all was. She’d wanted him when he was grumpy Gus Barker. She’d never be able to stay away from sensitive, sexy Harker.

“Oh.” His face fell a bit. “Okay. What do you want? We have just about the entire grocery store here.” His grin was playful and sweet.

“Stop it.” She couldn’t take this. She was weak. She was tired and hungry and freaking hornier than she’d ever been in her life, and that was saying something.

“Stop what? What am I doing wrong now?”
