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“Not for me.” He turned, pulling on a glove with tiny metal points on it. “And I don’t think it’s only sex for you either.”

“What is that?” She’d seen something like it before, but she couldn’t remember where.

“Don’t you remember? Our honeymoon. Anthony had a pair, but we left before he used them.”

“Oh. The gloves.” Her heart raced as her eyes took in all those sharp spikes.

“Yes, vampire gloves. I’m only using one, but I think you'll enjoy it.”

She’d liked everything they’d done so far, but she wasn’t so sure about this. Her nerves warred with her excitement of the pain and pleasure to come.

He pulled something else from the dresser and walked toward her, keeping whatever it was behind his back. “I want you to listen very closely. Okay?”

“I always listen to you, but sometimes I just don’t do what you want me to do.”

“Sometimes?” He laughed. “That's an understatement. But seriously, listen very closely because if you contradict me one more time tonight, I will use this.” He moved his arm from behind his back, holding up a ball gag.

“No.” She shook her head.

In two long strides he was in front of her, his hand holding her chin. “I’m tired of fighting with you. You’re going to be a good sub tonight. Understand?”

“I never agreed to be your sub.” She glared at him.

“You did when you agreed to be with me tonight. If you’ve changed your mind, I’ll unhook you and you can leave this room and go to bed alone.”

“You wouldn’t.” She hoped she was right. “I, at least, got to come once. You”—her eyes dropped to his crotch—“are too horny to end this.”

“Try me.” His dark eyes were hard.

She’d seen that look before when he’d been pushed too far on a business deal. He’d pushed back. The other man had called his bluff and Harker had walked away, forever. The company had called for weeks afterward but Harker had refused to do business with them. Tobias had begged him, but it’d been too late.

He touched her cheek, his eyes softening a bit. “I don't want to use the ball gag. I love hearing you sigh and call my name when I fuck you, but I'm in no mood to hear you tell me what I can and can't call you.”

“I don—”

He put his hand over her mouth. “Don’t say anything. Just listen to me for once. Okay?”

She glared at him but nodded. She listened to the asshole all the time.

He dropped his hand. “I'm so fucking tired of hearing you tell me you can't trust me when there is nothing further from the truth.”

She started to open her mouth but closed it when he raised his eyebrow and shook the ball gag. “May I ask a question, Sir?”

“Yes.” He watched her warily as if preparing for an attack which was freaking hilarious since she was the one restrained.

“How can I use my safeword if that’s in my mouth?” She nodded at the gag.

“You can’t. Normally, I’d give you a LED ball to hold. You drop it instead of saying your safeword, but we’d need to practice with that first. Neither of us want you dropping it accidentally when you’re almost ready to come…because I will stop.”

“Then what will I do?” She didn’t want that either. She had a feeling he was going to delay her orgasm more than enough tonight. She didn’t need to make him do it by accident.

“Can you snap your fingers?”


“Show me.”

She snapped her fingers.
