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“Memories from our wedding.” He shouldn’t have said it, but the words just slipped out of his mouth. He was fucking trying. He’d been trying for months, and she’d been shutting him down since the day they’d gotten married.

“You heard that?” Her voice was soft.

“Yeah.” He bent, fastening the restraints around her ankles and pulling her legs wide. He had no desire to discuss that now—or ever.

“I didn’t mean for you to hear me.”

“Well, I did.” He noticed that she didn’t apologize for saying it. Why would she? She couldn’t stand him right now, but he was going to change that.

He straightened and stepped back. She was gorgeous—lush and round—ripe with his seed. He’d done this to her. She was perfect except…He moved toward her, loving how her eyes widened but not from fear. She wanted this; she wanted him and that gave him hope.

He pulled the tie from her hair, letting her long locks cascade down over her shoulders. He ran his fingers over a strand; it was as soft as her skin. His dick hardened, pressing against his zipper at the memory of her hair brushing against his chest and abdomen as she kissed her way down his body. Fuck, he missed her blow jobs. He missed her. He positioned the strand of hair over her breast, running his finger through it so her nipple peeked out at him.

He stepped back, taking her in. She was like a pagan goddess—her skin pale but flushed with passion, her breasts heavy with milk and her belly round with his child. “You are so fucking beautiful.” He ran his finger over her cheek. “So soft. So lush. I’m going to spend hours worshiping you.”

He bent, kissing her puckered nipple before sucking gently. She moaned, her eyes closing. He kissed her belly and then knelt before her, his hand skimming up her thighs. He ran his fingers along her seam, opening her pussy lips before blowing across her swollen flesh. “You’re so ripe. Like my own passion fruit. I must have a taste.”

CHAPTER 27: Alison

Alison's entire body focused on the man kneeling in front of her. Harker’s fingers were rough on the sensitive flesh of her pussy. She was wide open for him, her arms and legs restrained. She was his to do with as he pleased. Pleasure her, torture her, whatever he wanted.

He looked up at her. “You’re my goddess. Fertile. Delicious.”

She fell into the darkness of his eyes, gasping slightly as he licked along her seam before his lips wrapped around her clit, his tongue twirling over the hard nub. Her legs trembled and she moaned as pleasure pulsed through her. His tongue slid inside her pussy for one quick second, hot and wet and then he was gone. He sucked on her clit, as he pushed three fingers inside her. She gasped at his intrusion and then he twisted his hand, wiggling his fingers in a come-hither movement and stroking her G-spot.

She needed to touch him, hold him but she couldn’t move. Her body shook, yanking on the restraints. She moaned, her body tightening around his fingers as he sucked on her clit. Pain, hot and intense, twisted into fiery pleasure until he pulled his fingers from her body.

“No. Please.” She didn’t want him to stop or slow down. She was on edge; she was ready.

“Not yet, my lo...” He kissed her pussy.

“Don’t.” She didn’t want him to say those words, not now. It was too late. “Don’t say it.”

“I don't think you're in a position to tell me what to do or say.” He swatted her ass.

Emotions raged through her—anger, need, desire and sadness. She’d wanted to hear those words before but now they just burned a hole through her heart. “I’m not playing, Harker.”

“Me either.” He stood and stepped closer. His face tight with desire and anger.

Her eyes roved over him, taking in every inch. She wanted to run her hands over all that hot skin and to rub her face along the hair on his chest. Her gaze followed his hair downward. He still had his pants on, but his cock was hard and long, straining against the cloth. She raised her eyes to his. His gaze was hot and dark, and his sexy lips were turned upward in a knowing smirk.

“What? I like looking.” She had no reason to hide that. It wasn’t a secret that she wanted him. She’d been jumping the man every chance she could for the last several months.

“You can look all you want. It’s not going to make me end this game sooner.” He took a step closer to her, grabbed her head and kissed her. His lips were hard and demanding as he held her still, devouring her.

She tried to stay in control, to deny him but her body melted into his strength. She kissed him back, leaning into him as much as the restraints would allow.

He broke the kiss, stepping away. His chest heaved, his hot breath teasing her lips. “Because tonight, I get what I want.”

“You always get what you want.” Even her own body caved to his wishes. She shouldn’t want the damn man near her but instead she couldn’t get close enough to him.

“That’s not true.” He almost snarled. “Every day, you deny me what I want but that ends now.” He turned and walked to his dresser.

“I wish I could deny you. Maybe when this baby is out of me, I’ll be able to think straight and stay away from you.”

“You deny me everything but sex.”

“That’s all there is between us. A contract and sex. Soon we’ll be done with both.” She prayed that she’d stop wanting him once her hormones went back to normal and if that didn’t happen, she hoped she’d be strong enough to refuse him.
