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“Yeah. I could use a shower too.” His eyes darkened as they drifted over her body.

“You can go next.” Her heart fluttered at the intensity in his gaze. “I'll hurry.” She couldn’t stop from racing up the stairs. She knew what he wanted. She wanted it too…or at least her body did. It was too soon for her to have sex, but there were other things they could do—other wonderful, delicious things—but she couldn’t let that happen. It wasn’t fair to give him false hope. She was leaving him, and she’d better do it soon before her body stopped listening to her brain.

CHAPTER 19: Alison

After three days of almost no sleep, Alison was ready to scream or cry. As if Irene waking every few hours wasn’t bad enough, she also had to deal with Harker.

She swore he was a changeling because this wasn’t the man she knew. Gone was the brusque, competitive man. The new Harker was patient, helpful, and understanding. There’d been only a few times that she’d seen the muscle in his cheek do the cha-cha, but the worst part was that she had to spend the entire night and sometimes part of the day squeezed in her tiny bed next to him.

She couldn’t take it anymore. She held the baby as she made sandwiches for herself and Harker. He should be done with his business call soon.

“Here, let me do that.” Harker’s deep voice made her jump. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” He laughed as he walked over to her side. “Let me help.”

“I’ve got it. I can make a sandwich.” She shifted away from him. She couldn’t be near him. Her nerves were on edge. Last night, she’d woken draped over his body, his arm around her, holding her close.

“I know you can but let me take Irene.”

“I can do—”

“I’m starving. You can feed me faster without the baby.” He took Irene from her.

“I know what you’re doing.” Lately, he was always finding ways to help her, even when she didn’t want him to.

“What I’m doing? I’m holding my daughter while you make my food.” He sat at the table. “Get cracking woman. Your man…I’m hungry.”

“Harker…” She turned and stared at him.

“Alison, don’t. Taking care of Irene is hard enough with the two of us.”

He was right. He looked as exhausted as she felt. She didn’t think she’d survive doing this alone. “I know and thank you for everything that you do.”

“Stop thanking me for taking care of my child.” The muscle in his cheek began to dance.

“I don’t want to fight.”

“Then make the fuck”—he glanced at Irene—“freaking sandwich and stop talking.”

“Make your own sandwich.” She grabbed her plate and walked to the table. “And I will not stop talking. I’m going to say this, and you need to listen.”

“Fine, but I’m not leaving. You need help with—”

“You won’t be able to help me if you stay.” She took a big bite of her sandwich.

“What do you mean by that?”

She pointed at her mouth as she chewed…slowly, loving how the muscle in his cheek vibrated faster and faster the slower she chewed. After several moments she swallowed. “I want to go home…I mean back to your house.”

“You do?” His brown eyes lit up.

“Yes. I wanted to come here to get away from you, but since you’re here, we may as well be at your place.” There she’d have her own room and wouldn’t have to worry about waking in his arms and having her head filled with memories of being with him as a part of a couple.

“I’ll pack everything. We can go now. It’ll make it easier for me to work too.” He jumped up and handed her the baby.

“Harker, I’m only staying until Irene starts sleeping through the night.”

“Sure.” The light in his eyes dimmed. “Stay as long as you want.”

“Have you signed the divorce papers yet? We should get that done as soon as possible.”
