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“I’ll get to it,” he almost growled. “I’ve been kind of busy.” The muscle in his jaw practically spasmed before he turned and headed up the stairs.

CHAPTER 20: Harker

Harker ignored the suspicion that something about this move didn’t feel right. Going back to his house was a good thing. His family was home, and he had every intention of keeping them there.

“Me and the guys got Irene’s room ready, but there’s a crib in our bedroom too.” He carried in a load of the baby’s stuff, heading straight for Irene’s room.

“We’ll need one in my bedroom too.” Alison trailed after him, carrying the car seat.

“Your bedroom?” He dropped the stuff on the floor.

“Yes.” She put the baby down on the changing table. “Or we can move the one from the master bedroom into my room. Irene will be with me most of the time.”

“Yes, she will. In the master bedroom.”

“No.” Alison began putting away the baby’s stuff. “I’ll be sleeping in my room.”

“That’s stup…” He stopped at her glare. “Alison, think about this. We’re both up all night with her. It’ll be easier if we’re together, and it’s not like we’re going to do anything.” He was almost too tired to even think about fucking. Plus, she couldn’t have sex for weeks yet.

“I know we’re not, but we’re also not going to sleep together. That was one of the reasons I wanted to come back here.” She gave him a triumphant look. “More room. My bed was way too small.”

He knew this had been too good to be true. He’d liked that small room, and he’d really liked that small bed. On several occasions he’d woken with Alison snuggled against his side or even draped over his body, her arm around his chest and her leg over his. If it hadn’t been for the doctor’s orders for no sex, he would’ve worked up the energy to roll over and fuck her. This move was a step in the wrong direction. Her sleeping in another room wasn’t going to help him save his marriage. “Our…my bed is huge. You can sleep on your side and not even come close to me.”

“That doesn’t work.” She smiled softly at Irene. “She’s proof of that.”

“Then put something between us if you think you can’t stay away.” He forced himself not to grin at the disgusted look she sent him.

“I am. The wall.”

“Alison, you need help, and I’m not going to be able to help as much from a different bedroom.”

“Is that a threat?”

“No. It’s a fact. I’m not going to hear—”

“But you could hear my vibrator.”

“I was awake, thinking about you.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I’m exhausted. You could use a generator to power your vibrator, and I probably wouldn’t hear it.”

“A generator? Wow.” Her eyes widened and her lips twitched as she tried not to laugh. “That is loud, but it doesn’t matter. Irene is louder. She reminds me of her father…bellowing all the time.”

“Yes, I’ll hear her when she cries, but you don’t know how many times that I get up with her before she throws out a full-blown wail. You’re still sleeping and if I’m in the other room…”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Please.” He walked over to her. “Just sleep in the master bedroom.”

“No. We’ll be fine in my room.” She sighed, her eyes growing sad. “Harker, this is temporary. The sooner you realize that the easier it’ll be for both of us.”

He started to argue, but Ethan’s words slipped into his brain. She wasn’t a sub. She didn’t want him to force her to do what he knew was best. He was fucking exhausted. If she wanted to make her own decisions, even bad ones, he’d let her. “Fine.”

“Fine?” Her mouth dropped open. “You’re not going to try and trick me or manipulate me?”

“No.” He headed for the door. “I’ll get the rest of the stuff.” He’d let her make this mistake on her own.

CHAPTER 21: Alison

Alison barely opened her eyes. She didn’t want to get up, but by that wail Irene wasn’t going to settle back down. How was it possible that she was crying again? Alison could’ve sworn she’d just fed the baby and yet, Irene wanted to eat again. Maybe she was wet, or maybe Alison was in hell with the cutest little demon ever. She pulled her gown open and moved Irene to her breast. The baby cried harder. “Damn, she’s not hungry.”

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