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She rolled out of bed and grabbed a diaper. She stumbled back to the bed and began to change the screaming baby, her eyes barely staying open. She was so freaking tired.

“Hey.” Harker walked into the room. “Sorry. I just heard her. Did you pump? I can take her.”

“No. I’m up now. I’ve got her.” She finished putting on the diaper and lifted Irene, turning away from him and placing the baby to her breast. This time Irene latched on like she was starving.

“You sure?” He yawned and stretched.

“Yeah. You get her next time.”

“Okay.” He seemed way too happy as he walked out of the room.

She crawled back into bed, her mind wandering as Irene suckled. Harker must’ve been getting up with Irene a lot more than she’d realized, and now he was sleeping like a king while she was up every few hours. He’d been right, but if she admitted it to him, she’d never hear the end of it.

She stared down at her sleeping baby, looking so innocent and sweet. In a couple of hours she’d be red faced and furious and Alison would be even more tired than now. Suddenly, Harker’s smirk and hearing him go on and on about being right seemed a small price to pay for several hours of uninterrupted sleep.

CHAPTER 22: Harker

Harker woke when a hand shook his arm.

“Your turn,” mumbled Alison before she rolled over onto her side.

“Huh.” He rubbed his eyes, the soft cries of a baby, slipping through his sleep fogged brain.

“Milk is in the fridge,” she muttered. “And don’t you dare say one word.”

“About what?” He grinned. She was in his bed.

“Exactly.” Alison pulled the pillow over her head.

Harker got out of bed and picked up his daughter. “Shhh, baby girl. Mommy’s tired.” He held her to his shoulder as he headed out of the room. “But Daddy’s happy. Really, really happy.”

“That’s saying a word. Several words.” Her voice was muffled by the pillow.

“Mommy gets cranky when she’s tired, but don’t worry. She’ll get to sleep because you and Daddy are going to get a clean diaper and some food and then…well, then we’ll dance.”

“Dance?” Alison started to sit up but dropped back down on the bed. “You know what? I don’t care. Have fun.”

“We will. Won’t we Irene?” He left the bedroom feeling happier than he had in weeks. Maybe Ethan wasn’t such a dumb fuck after all.

CHAPTER 23: Harker

Harker sat at his desk, trying to keep his eyes open. The last several weeks were a blur. Between helping with the baby and trying to keep the business running, the days ran together in an endless stream of no sleep, crying baby, dirty diapers, and work. It didn't help that he had no idea where he and Alison stood as a couple. The divorce papers were still sitting unsigned in the desk drawer in his home office. He swore he could hear them every time he walked into the room, whispering like his own personal Tell-Tale Heart.

Harker, she’s going to ask you about me soon. She’s not going to be happy when she finds out you haven’t signed me yet. Sign me now and put an end to your happiness once and for all. An unwanted bastard like you doesn’t deserve to be happy, and you certainly don’t deserve her.

Fuck that. He may not deserve her, but people got things they didn’t deserve all the time. Why couldn’t he? He glanced at his watch. He had a meeting with Tobias in a few minutes. After that he could go home and be with his family. He hated being away from them for even a minute because he wasn’t sure how long they’d be there.

Things between him and Alison were better. She was chatty and happy, talking to him about the baby and asking him about work. They ate together again, but unless they were talking about Irene or Angel Face, their conversation was stilted. He should be happy that she was even speaking to him again, but he was a greedy bastard and he wanted more. He wanted her.

Sleeping next to her every night—feeling her warm body next to his, breathing in her perfume—was driving him crazy, but it was nothing compared to the few times she’d fed the baby in bed. Usually, she went into the nursery, but sometimes she was too tired. He’d try not to watch but he couldn’t stop from stealing quick glances at her breasts. He remembered how warm and soft they were…Fuck. He wanted to kiss them again, taste them, roll his tongue over her hard, little nipple, and make her moan.

“Hey.” Tobias walked into the room. “You still look like shit. I’m not sure if we should let you do the conference call tomorrow or not.” He sat on a chair in front of Harker’s desk. “They might feel bad for you and give us a break, or they could go in for the kill because you are definitely not at one hundred percent.”

“I’m fine.”

“How old is Irene?”

“Five weeks.”
