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I'm signing these papers because you deserve to have a choice in this—a real choice. I thought I’d given you choices, but I realized that I hadn’t.

I was watching Irene sleep, imagining her growing up—a toddler, a child, a teenager. That last one scares the shit out of me. I’ll do anything to keep her safe, but at some point, I’m going to have to let her make her own choices. I won’t agree with them and some of them will be bad choices. Some of them will hurt me, but I’m going to have to let her make them. Just like I have to let you make this one. I hope you’ll choose me. Choose us.

Alison’s tears stained the paper as she continued to read.

From the moment I met you, I wanted you. I admire you for your intelligence and because you know how to accept who you are, flaws and all. I've been hiding my entire life from who I am because no one ever cared for that person…until you.

Like I tried to explain, you were always more than a friend to me. You are my home. The only place I’ve ever wanted to be. It doesn’t matter where I am as long as I’m with you. That's why I haven't been able to sign these papers. You’re all I've ever wanted. Someone I love who might care a little bit for me.

But you're right. I can't force you to stay just like I can’t force you to love me, but please, before you file the papers play Harker’s Barker Meter one more time.


P.S. I still hate that name.

He still wanted her. Their marriage. She jumped from her seat and ran across the room but stopped. Why did he want her to play that game? She walked back to the couch and opened her laptop. She pressed the button to play Harker’s Barker Meter. The randomizer spun and stopped, showing…

I love you, Alison.

She bit her lip to keep from crying as she hit the button again.

I will always love you.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she tapped the button again.

Marry me for real.

“Yes,” she whispered as she dropped back onto the couch, clicking on the button.

Be my wife. You’re already my life.

Her hand shook so badly she could barely click the button again.

Irene says she wants her parents to be married. Make your daughter happy and stay with me.

She laughed, tapping the button.

I love you, Alison.

She clicked it again.

I will always love you.

It was starting over. He must’ve done something to make it not random, but she didn’t care at all about that. She jumped up and ran out of the room. She had to find him.

CHAPTER 29: Harker

Harker sat in the rocking chair in the nursery, holding his daughter as she slept. She was the only thing keeping him sane right now. He’d lost the only woman he’d ever loved, the only person who’d loved him. He kissed Irene’s head, but he did have his daughter.

It was going to kill him to let them leave, to not see them every day but he’d survive. He had to for her. He rested his cheek on her little head. He’d see her as often as he could, as often as the court and Alison would allow. He’d also get to see Alison, at least while Irene was little, but one day that’d stop. One day, Alison would meet another man. His jaw tightened as he clung to his baby like a lifeline. No matter what, Irene was his. No one could change that.

Alison barreled into the doorway, stumbling to a stop right inside the room.

“Is everything okay?” he asked.

She nodded. Her eyes were red, and her cheeks wet from crying. “Did you…” Her voice cracked.

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