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“I can’t believe I’m married.” Alison dropped onto the bed. “I have a husband. What am I supposed to do with a husband? I know what most women do with husbands, but I can’t. It’s Harker.”

Ellie sat next to her. “It’s just sex, Alison. You’ve been saying you need to get laid and now you will. On a regular basis. Be happy.” She hugged her friend and kissed her on the cheek before standing. “Call me tomorrow unless you’re too busy getting lucky.”

“Don’t go.” Alison clung to her hand. “As soon as you leave, he’ll come in here.”

“That’s the point. It’s already late. Everyone else left hours ago.” Ellie squeezed her hand. “Relax and enjoy it. He’s a man. You’re a woman. It’ll be fun.” She tried to pull her hand free, but Alison wasn’t ready to be alone with her husband, Gus Barker.

“Please get me another drink. Then you can go. Please.”

“You don’t—”

“I do. I really, really need another drink.”

Ellie sighed. “Let go of my hand and I’ll get you another drink but then Adrian and I are leaving.”

“You know, the two of you should stay. We’ll make a fun night of it. The four of us can play cards or watch movies.”

“Harker would kill us both. He’s been staring at you like a starving man all day.”

Alison made a gagging noise. “It’s Harker. I just don’t see him that way.”

“You should open your eyes because the man is gorgeous.”

“No, Adrian is gorgeous.”

“He is but Harker has that dark, brooding look that should be making your panties disappear.” Ellie studied her friend. “Why isn’t he?”

“I don’t know. I guess because I know him. He’s not my type at all.”

“How can he not be your type? Everyone loves dark and brooding.”

“I thought the same thing when I met him, but he was my boss.”

“Who you practically lived with. You mean you never once thought about what it would be like if the two of you hooked up?”

“No. Bosses are off limits. Plus as I got to know him, I put him in the friend zone.” She wouldn’t admit this to Ellie because her friend would argue but men like Harker didn’t date women like her—too smart, too talkative with little breasts and a big butt. “And now I only see him as that gruff, barking, grumpy guy. You know, the old guy who yells at the neighborhood kids to get off his yard.”

“You need your eyesight, or your head examined. Harker is hot and he’s all yours.” Ellie grinned. “You’re going to get to see his cum face.”

“Oh, gross.” Alison leaned forward, slapping her friend’s arm. “Thanks. Now I can’t stop wondering what he’ll look like.”

“You won’t have to wonder for long.”

“It’s not funny.” Alison laughed. “Go get me that drink and make it a double.”

“A double? No way. You’re already plastered.” Ellie left the bedroom.

“You suck as a friend,” she yelled at the closed door and then flopped back onto the mattress. She was on Harker’s bed. She sat up. “This is the biggest bed I’ve ever seen. Who needs a bed this big? You could fit at least five or six adults on here. Why would anyone even want a bed this big? What does he do in here?” She stood, eyeing the bed. “This thing is huge. They must’ve built the bed in here but the mattress…How did it even fit—”

“Trust me, it’ll fit and it’s not huge, but it is larger than normal,” said Harker.

She spun around at his deep, rich voice. “What are you…You scared me.” She swallowed as he closed the door. She’d never noticed how big he was. He had to be at least six foot tall with broad shoulders that tapered to a narrow waist and hips.

“Sorry.” His dark gaze wandered over her.

“Ah…Ellie is coming back any minute.” She tugged her robe closer to her neck, not that it’d do much good. There wasn’t much to it, but it made her feel safer. Safer? She wasn’t scared of Harker. Was she? She had no idea what she felt at this moment—her nerves tangled with something. It couldn’t be desire. This was Harker. Barker. Gus. It had to be the alcohol, making the room seem hot and small with him inside it.

“No, she isn’t. She and Adrian left.” He walked to a cabinet and opened the door, displaying a small but well stocked bar.
