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“Not fast enough. You were quite a bitch.”

“Hey!” laughed Ellie.

“What?” he teased. “It’s true but I love you anyway.”

“Ahh. I love you too, Adrian.” Another soft kiss.

Alison wanted to puke and cry. It was so sweet, and she was happy for her friend, but she wanted that too. Instead she got a marriage for hire or more accurately a marriage for baby.

“But enough about us,” said Ellie. “Alison must not want to talk about last night because she keeps changing the subject.”

“You are astute,” she mumbled.

“And persistent.”

“I could hang up.” She should do that.

“Go ahead. I’ll drive over there and then we’ll be having this conversation with your new hubby as well as with Adrian.”

“Fine.” Her friend was dogged enough to do exactly what she said. “I don’t know how Harker is in bed because we didn’t sleep together.”

“You didn’t…It was your wedding night,” said Adrian.

“I know what night it was.” Honestly, these two were annoying.

“Are you using the word sleep literally or figuratively?” asked Ellie.

“We didn’t have sex. Are you happy?”

“You didn’t? Why not? It was your wedding night,” said Ellie.

“You don’t have to keep repeating that.”

“Why didn’t you have sex?” Ellie asked again.

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Adrian, get the keys. We’re going over—”

“Don’t. I’ll tell you but this is so embarrassing.”

“Oh, this is going to be so good.” Adrian must’ve moved right next to the phone because his voice was much louder.

“I laughed.”

“At his—”

“No.” She interrupted Adrian before he could say it. “I didn’t see that.”

“Was the room dark?” asked Ellie.

“No. We didn’t get that far.”

“Then what did you laugh at?” asked Adrian.

“At the thought of us…You know. I was drunk and then I went to apologize and…and…I laughed again and hit him in the nose.”

“Again?” asked both Adrian and Ellie.
