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“Anything. It was just a comment. It meant nothing.” Harker looked past Alison. “Ethan, don’t fire her.”

“She knows the rules.” Ethan handed Harker the contracts. “Sign these and bring them back whenever.”

“Ethan. Don’t,” said Harker. “Katie didn’t know Alison was behind her.”

“She knows the rules. She shouldn’t have said anything unless you brought it up.”

“I did. I brought up a conversation we had that night.”

“What night?” Alison’s eyes darted between the two, not missing a thing. “Oh my god. Adrian was right. You came here on our wedding night.”

“Fuck.” Harker closed his eyes for one second. He knew from business that everything could go to shit over one tiny detail; he just hadn’t realized it could happen in his personal life too.

Book 2: Making The Baby

CHAPTER 1: Alison

Anger, hurt and betrayal surged through Alison. Harker had left her on their wedding night to come to La Petite Mort Club.

“It’s not what you think,” said Harker.

She didn’t even bother to respond. She just stood and walked away. She was leaving. She was getting her stuff and going home to her mother’s house. She didn’t care about the money or Angel Face. She turned down the hallway toward their room. She refused to stay with that asshole for one more second. She stopped at the door to their suite.

“Damn it.” She didn’t have the key. Her purse, phone, everything was in that room. She looked around for a maid, but the hallway was empty. Forget it. She didn’t need her stuff. She’d get the bouncer at the door to call her a cab.

She hurried back down the hallway and into the Club. Harker stood where’d they been, arguing with Ethan. The waitress looked like she was going to cry. The two assholes were probably trying to convince Katie to join them in a threesome. She couldn’t believe she’d even considered doing that. The damn man was corrupting her at an epic speed, but the hint of soreness between her legs whispered that it was a wonderfully wicked corruption. She moved along the outskirts of the room, trying to stay out of sight, but Harker’s eyes met hers and he headed in her direction. She should stop, be dignified, act like an adult but her legs kept moving and before she could stop herself, she was running. She looked over her shoulder and almost laughed at the look of surprise on his face. He thought he knew her. He thought he knew everything, but he didn’t. He didn’t know shit about…She slammed into something big and hard.

“Hey, there.” Large hands grabbed her shoulders steadying her. “Is everything okay?”

She stared up at one of the biggest men she’d ever seen. “Uh…”

“Are you okay?” The man glanced over her head. “I work here. My name’s Damon.” He let go of her arms. “You’re safe with me. My job is to make sure everyone remembers that the number one rule is consent. Always. No matter what.”

“Damon, I’ll handle this.” Harker’s voice was tight with anger as he grabbed her arm.

“Let go of me.” She knew that tone. He was furious but too bad because so was she.

“Not until we talk.”

“Harker,” said Damon. “You heard the lady.”

“She’s my wife.” Harker pulled her to his side.

“Not anymore. I quit.” She elbowed him in the ribs.

“Ouch.” He tightened his hold. “You can’t quit a marriage. You have to get a divorce.”

“Fine. Whatever. Just let me go.”

“No. We need to talk.” He started back into the Club, dragging her behind him.

“Harker, stop.” Damon grabbed her other arm, and she had a moment of panic thinking these two large men were going to play tug-o-war with her. “The lady said to let her go.”

“And I said she’s my wife.”

“Who you brought here which means being your wife takes second to consent,” said Damon.

Harker looked like his head was going to explode but he let her go. “Alison, come with me.”
