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“What did you do after that? You’re always telling me how much work you have to do, and you’ve always got your computer. Every time we eat lunch and dinner, you’re working but not today.”

“So.” He took a drink of his water.

“Why aren’t you working?”

“It’s our honeymoon. I wanted to spend time with you.” He stared at her but there was something hiding in his eyes.

“Okay, fine. You wanted to talk through dinner but—”

“That was a mistake,” he muttered.

She ignored him. “Where’s your laptop?” He generally worked in the living room at night.

“I told you. It’s in my office.”

“You said a businessman never stopped working. There was always another investor to find another product to build.”

“Yeah. So?”

“So, why are you suddenly not busy.” She was still crazy busy.

“I’m not suddenly not busy. I still have a lot of work to do but life is about more than work.”

“I said that once and you lectured me about putting in the work now so I could enjoy life later.”

“It’s later.”

Her laughter died when she realized he was serious. “You’re saying that now is the time to quit working and enjoy life? Why now? Why not a month ago when I said it?”

“Because a month ago if I hadn’t pretended to work you would’ve run out of here like your ass was on fire. The only way I could keep you from leaving was to make you work. Otherwise, you would’ve been gone. Out with Randy or with Ellie looking for a guy to fuck.”

“I can’t believe…That’s so…You lied to keep me here.” Emotions ripped through her. Months of working her butt off—late nights, weekends, holidays—all because he didn’t want her to leave. Her brain screeched to a halt. “Wait a minute. You did this so we could be together?”

“Yes.” He stood and sat by her on the couch. “I didn’t want you finding someone else. I didn’t want anyone touching you but me.”

“But…” That little kernel was trying to heat up again but what he was saying didn’t make sense. “You made me work late almost from the day Merri hired me.”

He gave her a dirty look but ignored her jab about who had hired her. “We were behind schedule.”

“And you…you started having me stay the night and work late and…Are you telling me you did that all so I wouldn’t go out and find someone else?”

“I have no idea how to answer that without pissing you off.”

“Then tell me the truth, Harker? Did you purposely alienate me from my friends, my family and from having a life?”

“You make me sound like an abuser, and it wasn’t like that.” He took her hand. “I wanted you.”

“You’re saying that you wanted me from the day I started?” She yanked her hand away from him. It suddenly made sense “Oh my god. You didn’t hire me to work on Angel Face. You hired me to have your kid.”

“It wasn’t like that.”

“How did you even know? Did you have someone look into me.” She wanted to slap herself on the forehead. “The background check. You knew everything about me before I started.”

“We do background checks on everyone.”

“But not for their breeding potential.” She stood. She had to get out of there.

“Sit down.”

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