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“Getting there.” He rocked his hips, letting her feel his dick along her thigh.

“Aren’t you even curious about what I’m going to want when I win?” she asked.

“It doesn’t matter because you won’t win.” He quickly kissed her to stifle her protest.

CHAPTER 22: Alison

The next morning Alison hurried into Harker’s office. She’d spent way too long choosing the ten phrases that she knew Harker would say for their bet.

“Hey. Sorry I’m late.” She sat on one of the chairs at the table where Harker, Merri and Tobias were seated. Her face heated slightly when her gaze landed on Harker. This was the first time she’d seen him in a professional manner since they’d had sex and all she could think of was him naked, his body moving above hers, inside hers.

“No problem,” said Merri. “We were just going over the promotional materials for one of our other products.”

“Let’s get star…” Harker stopped, his eyes darting to Alison.

She plastered an innocent expression on her face. That wasn’t one of her phrases, but she wasn’t going to let him know that.

He’d made her install the program on his laptop last night while they were in bed. She’d tried to get him to fill out his ten phrases, hoping she could get a peek, but he’d refused. He’d already been in his office when she’d gotten up this morning. He’d texted her that his Alison-Ramble for the day was picked and on the shared drive.

He cleared his throat. “I believe it’d be a fabulous idea if we proceeded with the agenda.”

Alison choked back a laugh. Harker was blunt and to the point, not flowery and overly polite.

“I’ve asked Merri to run the meeting this morning,” said Harker.

“What?” She should’ve expected this.

“You heard me.”

“So, you’re not going to be…talking?” Her phrases had been based on this meeting. Harker always barked that they needed to work harder, meet this deadline and several other things like that.

“Of course, I’ll be talking…if needed.”

“You can’t do that.”

“What’s going on?” asked Tobias.

“Nothing,” said Harker.

“It’s not nothing,” she said. “You’re cheating. I knew you’d cheat.”

Harker’s grin made her stomach drop to her toes. He spun his laptop toward her. He had his text file open. “One point for me. Only two more to go.” He turned to Merri. “On second thought, I will run the meeting today.”

CHAPTER 23: Harker

The next afternoon, Harker sat in his office studying the new proposal Tobias had given to him. Business was going well. Actually, everything was going exceptionally well except Alison had been avoiding him. She’d claimed she was busy working but he was pretty sure she just didn’t want to lose another point. The good thing was that she couldn’t win a point without seeing him.

Someone tapped on his door.

“Yes.’ He looked up from his computer.

Alison slipped into the room, glanced behind her and then quickly closed the door.

“Is everything okay?” This wasn’t like her. She usually entered a room like a whirlwind, throwing the door open and blowing across his office but today she was hesitant.

“Yes. Of course.” She smiled but her lips quivered.

Many of his employees had been in the office today meeting with Merri for training on the new timecard application. If someone had said something to hurt her, he’d fire them. “What’s the matter? What happened? Did someone say something to you?” He stood and started across the room.
