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She let out a sigh. "I do. But there's real temptation to get some wine before things get started."

I chuckled. "I put a bottle in your fridge earlier, as well as one of those fancy pasta meals you like so there's easy food for tomorrow morning."

"You did?"

"I did."

"That's so sweet, thank you." She leaned in and kissed my cheek. "But you know we're..."

"Stopping by Stef's for gyros later. I do, yes. I'm looking forward to it. I think I might try the pork this time."

"You should, it's good."

"You think all of it's good," I teased.

"Considering this will be the fifth time you're getting fancy gyros with me, I have to assume you do too." She beamed.

"I'll get fancy gyros with you any time," I responded.

The doors opened again, drawing our attention there. A harried looking Aine walked in, looking somewhat less put together than she normally did.

"Oh good, you're here," she said as she saw us.

"This is where we're supposed to be," Aphie responded.

"You might have snuck off somewhere for a moment alone, I wouldn't even blame you."

"We're working," I pointed out.

Aine snorted. "Like that hasn't stopped you before."

"Doesn't stop you either, from what I recall," Aphie said sweetly.

"Are we all set?" the other goddess asked, tactfully avoiding the implication.

"Everything is going to go great," Aphie assured her. "We've got everything sorted. Guests arrive in about a quarter of an hour. You should try and relax."

"Easy for you to say, your business isn't on the line if this event turns away the potential big customers."

Aphie crossed her arms and gave the other goddess a withering look. "Isn't it?"

Aine grimaced. "Sorry."

"It's fine, I know what it's like to be stressed about an event."

"I'm still sorry. I'm going to go check in with Min," she said, waving and heading in the rough direction of the god.

"Now if anyone needs to go and have a quick one before the event, it's her," Aphie murmured.

"Maybe she could get one of Min's magical orgasms?"

"Might help. Or it might just make her more stressed. These kinds of events take some getting used to and she's still new to running Jinx," Aphie said. "You seem very calm though."

"I know that the city's best events planner is on hand."

She laughed and wrapped her arms around my waist, looking up at me with sea-green eyes that still mesmerised me at every turn. "Flattery will get you into many places, Damien."

"Is one of them your heart?"
