Page 74 of Don't Stop

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“Little girl, you’re going to have to stop kicking me,” I said to my stomach, half groaning and half giggling when the tiny foot hit my bladder for the tenth time. I rested my hand on my swollen belly, grinning when she nudged my palm. I loved feeling the little life in me moving around.

My heart fluttered, and I held out the small purple onesie, reading the words written in silver. Daddy’s Angel. I traced my fingers over the letters, and tears lined my bottom eyelids at the thought of the little girl that would wear the outfit in just a few weeks. Would she have Drake’s eyes and my hair? She kicked again.

“I knew I’d find you in here.” He turned the corner into the nursery, leaning against the door frame. “Folding the clothes again?”

I giggled, my cheeks warming when I blushed. “I can’t help it.” I turned and held up the little onesie to show him, even knowing he’d seen it a hundred times. “A little girl will be wearing this soon!”

Drake chuckled, closing the distance between us. He stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Our little girl,” he said softly against my ear.

My stomach did somersaults. “I can’t wait,” I whispered.

“I can’t wait either, angel.” Drake put his hands under my belly, lifting and taking the weight off my hips. I sighed, resting against him.

“Do you know how much I love you?” I asked, looking up at him over my shoulder.

He kissed my forehead. “Enough to marry me.” Drake chuckled.

He was right. I grinned. “Definitely enough to marry you.” It still felt unreal when I woke up every morning.

“So let’s do it.” Drake pulled me from my thoughts when he kissed my neck.

I hummed. “You already proposed to me. Remember?” I looked at the ruby engagement ring on my hand, wiggling it in front of his face both to remind him and to see it sparkle. Since he had put it on my finger, I had yet to grow tired of the way the diamonds shimmered or the bold red gem in the center.

We hadn’t been in any hurry to set a date. I wanted to enjoy this chapter of my life and call Drake my fiancé as many times as possible first. When we had forever, I was in no hurry to plan the wedding. Plus, planning a wedding was stressful—I had been involved enough in Mackenzie and Bryson’s to know that.

“How could I forget?” He took my hand, using his thumb to straighten the ring. Drake kissed my forehead.

I giggled, butterflies dancing wildly in my stomach. “Do you want to set a date?” I thought about being Mrs. Moore, and my chest tightened.

“Absolutely.” Drake slowly spun me in his arms until I was facing him, and he hooked his thumb under my chin.

I imagined a white dress and a matching one on a baby girl. “When?”

“Today.” Drake shrugged, a smirk tugging at his lips when I gasped.

“You want to get married today?” I ran my fingers through my messy ponytail and looked at the shorts and sports bra I wore, leaving my belly and newly acquired stretch marks visible. I hadn’t shaved my legs in a couple of weeks, and I needed a good spa night to help the breakouts on my face.

He nodded. “That’s exactly what I want to do.”

“Are you kidding me? Drake, we can’t get married today!” I threw my hands up, suddenly panicked about my lack of preparation.

He chuckled, pulling me back to him. “Why not?”

“Because where would we go? Who would we invite? What would we wear? You have to plan these things!” I listed items off on my fingers, thinking about the wedding planning book Mackenzie had gotten me when we got engaged. It was still in the packaging. Where did I put that?

He could sense the flaring anxiety in my tone, and he soothed me with soft strokes of his hand up and down my back. “We’ll go to the courthouse. The only people that have to be there are you and me.”

I cocked my head. “What about Brys and Mackenzie?”

“We can call them if you want.” He continued the motion of his hand on my back.

I took a deep breath. “And my parents?”

“Sure, if you’d like them to be there.” Drake stopped, putting his hands on both of my shoulders and silently commanding my eyes with his. “Angel, I don’t care who’s there. I just want to marry you.”

“But I don’t have a dress,” I whispered.

“You don’t need a dress. You look perfect in everything,” Drake said. “I’ll marry you in a pair of baggy sweatpants, and you’ll still be the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.”

“I can’t believe we’re doing this.” I sucked in a deep breath, and it only shook slightly when I let it out.

When I had pictured my wedding day, I imagined a fancy white gown and flowers I’d spend way too much money on. I had never imagined I’d be eight months pregnant and getting ready to elope in a courthouse, but when Drake smiled, it was all I wanted.

“Is that a ‘yes?’” His face lit up, and his blue eyes were more intense. “We’re getting married today?”

“We’re getting married today!”
