Page 36 of Pour It On Me

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I didn’t care if my shoes squeaked anymore, and I turned around, quickly rushing back to the door. I threw the metal open, cringing when it smacked against the brick wall behind it, but I didn’t stop. Rushing across the parking lot to where the taxi was slowly pulling away, I wondered if Logan and Ash would realize I was there. Did I want them to?

Deciding I didn’t, I jogged up to the car and jumped in. “Back home, please,” I said frantically. The outburst startled him, but my face must’ve looked as shocked as I felt.

He nodded with a sympathetic look, turning out of the parking lot. My stomach flipped when the tires skidded through a patch of sand, and I dug in my pocket for my phone.

I hit dial on the most-called number, desperately waiting for my cousin to answer his phone. When he did, the invisible dam holding back my tears broke, and they rushed down my cheeks. I gasped for a breath, choking on the first word. “I want to come home.”

“Woah, woah. When we talked three days ago, you were over the moon. You said you loved Grand Rapids, had become close with Emmy, and had made friends with some of the other bartenders.” He paused and sucked in a deep breath, probably trying to relax the protective part of him that always rushed to my rescue. “What happened?”

I sniffled, coughing quietly to clear my throat. “Why does he hate me, Chance? What is so wrong with me?”

He sighed. “The asshole from the bar still? Why does it bother you so much?”

I choked on a small sob, and the cab driver looked at me in the rearview mirror. “I don’t know…”

“You’re into him.”

My cry was louder, and I nodded even though he couldn’t see it. I didn’t want to be into Logan. I didn’t want to go to bed picturing his face or wake up wishing to hear him snoring on the pillow next to me. Even knowing how much he hated me, I knew I’d see his eyes again when I closed mine.

“I don’t know what to do.”

Chance laughed quietly through the phone. “You know exactly what to do. You own it and make him sorry for ever not liking you. Emmy loves you. It seems like everyone else at the bar likes you. You seem happy. Don’t let some guy ruin that for you.” I laughed with him when he chuckled again.

“I guess you’re right.” I sighed, knowing I wasn’t going to be leaving Grand Rapids any time soon if I could help it. As much as I hated the sickening feeling still growing in my stomach, I liked who I was here. I liked a fresh start and new experiences, even if those new experiences were Logan—and even if Logan couldn’t stand me.

Chance cleared his throat, pulling me from my thoughts. “Simone, he’s fucking stupid if he isn’t head over heels for you.”

“Something like that,” I said. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

He agreed, and the line went dead. I sat my phone on the seat next to me, nodding to myself and smiling gently at the driver. I took a deep breath, hoping it would help to slow my heart rate before I got home.

He’s fucking stupid if he isn’t head over heels for you.

Chapter 25


“Seriously. No tip?” Sky groaned, grabbing the payment left behind next to the empty shot glass. It was for the exact amount that was owed.

“I’ll give you the tip,” Auston chuckled, throwing his hand in the air for a high five I gladly returned.

Sky rolled her eyes, but her laugh mixed with ours. “You two are incorrigible.” Her attention was quickly diverted behind me, and she waved. “Hey, babe!”

“Hey!” The familiar voice made my skin light up, but something was off about it. It didn’t have the same brightness it usually did. When I turned around to face her, she was waving to Sky, but looked away from me.

I got a whiff of her perfume as she purposefully walked past me. Auston gave me a confused look over her shoulder, turning hesitantly towards where she leaned against the counter. He noticed she was off too. It was obvious that Simone was being cold, though clearly not to Sky.

“Hey, Simone,” he said with a nod.

Her face lit up with a smile that made my chest feel tight. “Hey, buddy!” Auston looked taken aback by her warm greeting, and he took a step to the side when she made a targeted move for the counter where Rudy sat. She pointed at the glass in front of him. “That glass looks a bit empty to me. What do you think?”

Simone winked, and Rudy laughed. “I think you might be right, young lady.” He winked, and I had to hold back the annoyance that threatened to interrupt their conversation.

She gave him the same giggle that usually got her a good tip. “Let me take care of that for you.”

Grabbing the glass from the counter, she turned around and set it in the bin of dirty dishes before reaching for a clean one. She stepped around me without a word, making her way to the tab to pour the beer. It was a perfect pour. It always was. I wanted to roll my eyes, but I didn’t want to miss any flicker of hers to mine.

She didn’t even glance slightly in my direction, returning to hand Rudy his beer with a wink. I dropped back against the counter while Simone ignored me behind her, and I crossed my arms. What was her deal?
