Page 35 of Pour It On Me

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“Fuck,” I hissed before clamping my lips together and shutting my eyes.

She was going to avoid me at the bar, whether I had kissed her tonight or not. It was the dynamic we had created—that I had created when she walked in on her first day. Shaking my head, I silently cursed myself, and an image of the loose strands of hair sticking to Simone’s face in the rain stuck in my mind.

My cock hardened when I thought of the sweet gasps that had slipped from her lips to mine. “Son of a bitch,” I cursed again, wrapping my hand around my cock. “Why her?”

I imagined her knees bent and her eyes looking eagerly up at me from the floor of my shower. The woman had a hold on me I didn’t want to give her, but as I stroked my cock, I told myself it was her lips. When I groaned, I reached for blonde hair that wasn’t there.

Was she thinking about me the same way? Did she feel the same sense of dread every time a rush of arousal filled her at the thought of me? I told myself she didn’t have thoughts of me, unsurprised when I felt disappointed by the idea of her going to sleep without any of the same thoughts.

The hot water on my back felt cooler as my skin grew used to it. I tightened my fist, dropping my head back into the stream. Drops of water traced my face, and I blew when they ran over my nose and mouth. My breath mixed with a grunt that bounced off the shower wall.

“Fuck, Simone.” I kept my eyes closed, imagining her moaning while she pulled feral sounds from deep within me.

I folded at the waist, resting my free hand against the cold tile wall. It was so cold compared to the hot water that it felt like the tile burned my hand, but I ignored the sensation, grunting when my balls tightened.

I squeezed and pulled at my cock. It didn’t compare to the satin feeling of her tongue and lips, but the building sensations coiled in my core. I teetered on the edge, holding my weight against my hand on the wall.

When I came, my breath caught in my chest and I only choked out a grunt. I thought I felt Simone’s tongue lapping up the drops of arousal that instead ran down the shower drain. Dropping my head against the cold tile, I sighed.

“What am I doing?”

Chapter 24


Ladies’ night at Pour Decisions meant the music would be loud and there would be more mini dresses and heels than you saw most nights. Logan was working. The slight jealousy that he would be working tasted bitter in the back of my throat. There was no reason for me to feel jealous—I didn’t have any claim on him.

He was just a friend. Kind of.

Was that why I was trying on the third pair of jeans from my closet, even though they were all almost the exact same? The first pair had too many holes, and the second didn’t have enough. This pair had a couple holes in the thighs that showed off a few of my tattoos, and the way they hugged my ass was a plus.

After pulling on my favorite boots, the black imitation combat boots with just a slight heel, I tugged a baggy sweater over my head, cautious to avoid the carefully styled messy bun. I was going for a look that said I didn’t put any effort into my outfit. I wanted to be casual.

I looked at the clock, realizing I had spent over an hour getting ready. If I didn’t get going, I was going to get to the bar too late to be casual. I didn’t want to compete with the push-up bras and tight dresses that would surround me once the sun went down. What was I competing for?

I aimlessly traced my lips and swallowed, regaining my composure. I checked my supposedly natural makeup in the mirror, giving myself an approving nod, and scurried for the door.

I was thankful Emmy wasn’t home when I slipped out the front and to the taxi I had ordered to get me to Pour Decisions. The fewer questions I had to answer, the better. What was I thinking was going to happen? I blushed when I crossed the spot where Logan had kissed me in the rain.

I turned the screen on my phone off, tucking it into my bag when the taxi pulled into the parking lot. Butterflies in my throat made me giddy, and I tossed the cash in the front seat, half shouting over the rain for him to keep the change. I walked more quickly to the door than I intended. Pausing with my hand on the handle, I took a deep breath.

“Be cool, Simone,” I told myself before I tugged the metal door open and stepped into the back hallway of the bar.

The music was already playing, but it was still just a quiet hum. I took a few steps in, pausing when I heard voices from the office.

“I just can’t believe it, that’s all.” Ash sounded almost amused.

Logan didn’t sound so amused when he chimed in. “Will you just fuck off?”

I paused in the hall, nervous my shoes would suddenly squeak and they’d hear it over the everyday sounds of the bar. They definitely didn’t hear the back door close, or if they did, they didn’t expect it to be me. I held my breath.

“I’m just saying!” Ash laughed, earning a groan from Logan. “You don’t even like her. You’ve said so a million times.”

Logan’s voice sounded like it was strained between his clenched teeth. “I know, I know. I can’t stand her. I just—” I could almost hear the way he was probably tugging his hands through his hair.

My stomach sank, and for a moment, I thought I felt nauseated. While I’d been home daydreaming about the way he helped me, he was complaining to all of our friends—his friends—about how he had to do it.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, but it returned quickly. The tears lining my bottom eyelids stung my eyes, feeling warm against my cheeks. I imagined the color had drained from my face.
