Page 138 of Savage Temptation

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“What the fuck is happening?” For a man under a sniper beam, his voice was steady as fuck. The man had balls.

“Besides, picture this – Matt currently has a gun nestled between your dearest Francesca’s legs. One green flag from me, and he’ll shoot that cunt into the next fucking world. Am I clear?”

“Fucking crystal. Only I have no fucking clue why you’re doing this.”

“Because you took something that’s mine. She might be your daughter, but she is my fucking fiancé. She’s my whole damn world, and I will not stand by while you decide to take her from me.” My tongue burned up from the acid in my words, and even though part of them were a fragile bluff, I’d personally follow through with every damn threat if needed.

“What?” Enzo's voice on the other end mirrored my rage, a low and dangerous growl. “I did not take her. Tell me what the fuck is going on right now. Who took my daughter?”

“Some fucker shoved her into a black SUV while she was on her way to meet you. The fucking car had Michigan plates. Am I supposed to believe it’s a divine coincidence that a similar black SUV charged at my brother at his damn wedding? Are you still going to carry on lying to me?” I asked, signaling Jimmy on the other phone to flash the red beam again for effect.

“You can threaten me all you want, it won’t make my reply any different. I didn’t take her. But I sure fucking want to know who did.”

He sounded as honest as a targeted man could sound, if not more. His voice didn’t waiver, he didn’t plead for his life, or try to bargain. Those were good signs that he wasn’t lying.

“Now if you’re finished threatening me, we can get down to fucking business. I want to help, where can I meet you?”

“Dea Tacita. I’ll send you the location.” I said deadpan, still wary if I should completely trust him. “And Don Amato? You might not have a sniper ready to take you out, but your niece is not as safe. I’d advise you not to screw me.”

“Got it. She’s my daughter, Liam. I want that fucker’s head on a damn spike as much as you do.”

“Good. Then hurry up. We don’t have time to waste.”


I had no idea where we were. I wasn’t familiar enough with the city to keep up with our whereabouts, so I shut my eyes tightly as I gathered the courage to turn around and confront my captor for the first time.

I focused on each inhale as I summoned the courage to face the looming nightmare. I didn't need confirmation. Deep down, I knew exactly who was behind this.

It was him – Mr. Mercier, that greasy pig.

My stomach churned at the mere thought of him sitting just inches away from me, his presence weighing over me like a sinister cloud.

I couldn’t find it in me to look at him, though.

Avoiding his gaze, I kept my back turned, unable to muster the strength to meet those icy blues.

Questions clawed at my mind like ravenous beasts. Was this some sort of twisted revenge because I had refused him? Did I wound his ego so deeply that it warranted this kind of sadistic retribution?

It didn't matter, though. Understanding his motives wouldn't save me now. All I needed was to escape, to find a way out of this steel prison before the horror escalated beyond imagination, and run for help.

Desperate thoughts circled my mind like vultures. Nobody knew where I was, and it might be hours before they realized something was wrong. By then, it could be too late.

The panic was rising fast and hard, threatening to overwhelm me. Shock made me stop breathing for a moment, and my vision became blurry as I was caught between disbelief and stark terror.

I couldn't control my emotions anymore. Almost without realizing, I was crying out of despair. Fear resonated with every pulse, every thought, every question, making my body shake uncontrollably.

What would he do to me? Rape me? Kill me? Both?

In this moment of terror, I realized the cruel truth – happiness was fleeting, a mirage just out of reach.

I couldn't believe that I might die before I even got to really live. Just when things were going well, something had to drag me back into darkness. My life allowed for no happiness. It was a luxury I had tasted but ultimately couldn’t afford.

Every last bit of happiness had a cost, and my current predicament was the steep toll for daring to reach for something beautiful. Fate was against me, writing my story in ink, stained with pain and misery.

This was the story of my life, and I? I had no damn say in it.

Thoughts of Liam flooded my mind. His smile and roughness, the shiny glint in his eyes each time he looked at me. I thought about all the wonderful moments we shared.
