Page 80 of Rise of the King

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“That’s what I like to hear, young man,” Mr. Turner said as he tipped his hat to us, continuing to his apartment.

Ivan left his arm around my shoulders and walked us to the elevator. I wrapped my arm around his waist when we stepped into the elevator. “Ivan the Squishy,” I said, leaning my head against his shoulder.

I had more acupuncture the morning of the ball, per Adrik’s request. He said he wanted to make sure I would be okay and able to handle the evening’s event. Since it made me feel so much better, I wasn’t going to argue with him. I skipped breakfast and only ate a few bites here and there at lunch. I was paranoid about fitting into the dress since it had been taken in.

I went to Ms. Jackson’s apartment in the afternoon. Misha escorted me down. Once I was in the apartment, he left me with Ms. Jackson. He said one of them would be back to get me, but they needed to get ready to go as well. I had to admit, I was looking forward to seeing them all in tuxedos.

Ms. Jackson went to work on my hair. She had looked at my dress and said I needed to wear my hair up. I did not argue with her. It took her a while to get my mass of hair contained. She was much more skilled than I was and once she was done, she had braided a few small strands at the front of my head and worked those into an intricate updo in the back. She left a few stray curls around my face, as she said it was somewhat my signature and I didn’t look right without them.

Once my hair was done, she got to work on my makeup. She knew I hated wearing makeup, so she kept it very light. She made me look like a classic movie star. “Makeup is meant to accentuate what you’ve got, not make you look like a completely different person,” she said as she worked on my face like she was a makeup artist in a former life.

“How did you learn how to do all this?” I asked, my eyes closed as she applied God knows what to my eyelids.

“When I was a spy, my cover was as an American movie star. I had to be glamorous all the time, so I learned to do my own hair and makeup to play the part. Once you learn a few tricks, it becomes quite easy.”

“Ms. Jackson, you’ve lived such an interesting life. How did I never know this about you?”

“Well, child, I don’t really broadcast that I used to be a spy to many people. There are probably still Russians out there that are still looking for me. I barely made it out of there alive, but that’s a story for another time.”

“I would love to hear it. When you get back from Bingo,” I said smiling at her. “Have you decided which one you’re taking to Bingo first? Are you going big and walking in with like three of them at once, like you’re the boss, applesauce?”

She put her hand over her mouth as she laughed at the thought. Her cheeks flushed. “I hadn’t thought about that option, but now that you mention it, I might as well go big or go home.”

“Be fierce, Ms. Jackson. You own that fucking Bingo Hall.”

She continued laughing as she finished my makeup. She took a step back, to admire her work. “Okay, child. Take a look and tell me what you think,” she said, holding up a mirror.

I checked myself out in the mirror. “Ms. Jackson! You’re a miracle worker! I look like a girl! Like a real girl!” I was grinning from ear to ear as I looked at my reflection. It still looked like me, just enhanced. “It’s so perfect!”

She smiled at me, crossing her arms across her chest. “Let’s get you in your dress, so I can see the whole picture.”

She helped me into the dress. I was so nervous she wasn’t going to be able to zip it up, but it fit perfectly. I exhaled, relieved that no additional help was needed to get me into the dress. She handed me my shoes and stepped back to take in the full picture. As I slipped into my shoes, I turned to look at her. She was leaning against the chair I had been sitting in. I could see the tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at me, almost like a mother would look at a daughter.

“Persephone, I am so proud of you. You are one hell of a woman and you’re living up to your namesake.”

I felt the tears collecting in my eyes. “Oh, Ms. Jackson. I’m going to ruin all your hard work.” I quickly dabbed the tears from my eyes, so it wouldn’t mess anything up. I walked to her, bending down, and hugging her tightly. “Thank you. For everything. I love you, Ms. Jackson.”

“Oh, child. You deserve it all. And more.”

We heard a knock at her door. I stood up, still dabbing my eyes. “That’ll be one of the guys to take me upstairs.”

She took both of my hands in hers and looked me in the eyes. “I know you’re going to be nervous tonight; anybody would be. But I want you to remember who you’re named for and walk in like you own the damn place. Queens don’t bow to anyone but their King. Remember that.”

I smiled at her as we heard another knock on her door, a little louder this time. She walked toward the door and opened it. All five guys were in the hall outside Ms. Jackson’s apartment to escort me upstairs. They all looked incredibly handsome in their tuxedos. My mouth fell open, looking at each of them.

Ivan spoke first. “We couldn’t decide who would come get you, so we all came to get you.”

I walked toward them all as they all stared at me like it was their first time seeing a girl. “I know, I know. Ms. Jackson works miracles, right?” I said, laughing.

“Ms. Jackson only helped bring out what was already there,” Viktor said, winking at me. I felt my cheeks flush. He offered me his arm. I slid my arm through his, thanking Ms. Jackson one more time before I left her apartment.

“You boys can show up looking like this anytime you please,” she said as she watched us walk down the hall toward the elevator.

When the doors opened to the penthouse, the two guards standing outside who usually didn’t pay me much attention both stared at me as I walked by. Must be something to this whole looking like a girl thing.

Before we walked into the penthouse, I suddenly got nervous. I stopped Ivan from opening the door. I looked at all of them, shaking my hands in front of me. “Fuck, I’m so nervous. Do you guys really think he’s going to like this?”

“Are you serious right now, spider monkey?” Andrei asked.
