Page 35 of Damien

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“One can dream. I mean, it is so new, and we are just hanging out as friends for now. I don’t know if it will go anywhere. He’s the complete opposite of me. He’s quiet and reserved and so smart.”

She rambles, and I am loving every second of it.

“I think this is so cute. It’s been years since I’ve seen you this excited. I should take a picture to document this moment. Who is the mystery guy that has your attention?”

He must be someone special to have her acting like this, but it has to be extremely new because she was still single and ready to mingle a week ago.

“He is just someone that I met. And before you ask, don’t, because I’m not telling anyone and that includes you. If something comes of this, then you will meet him. I promise.”

She stands and fixes her hair.

I shoo her away despite her worrying glance. “Have fun and be safe. I’ll be fine, I promise.”

If all else fails, I’ll hobble around like I have to in the mornings.

“Make Jake help you if you need anything.” She gives me one last look before turning around and walking out the front door and closing it softly behind her.

For the first time this semester, I get to enjoy the peace and quiet for a change. There’s no bickering between roommates, no loud music or television shows, or phones ringing.

Just me and my thoughts.

Turning on the television, I choose an older show that I absolutely love. I laugh at the funny parts like I have no care in the world.

Jake walks through the door when the show is in the middle of a sexual joke. He laughs awkwardly and walks to the side of the couch.

“I love this show. Do you mind if I watch it with you?”

He doesn’t sit down. He just stands next to the couch, waiting for my reply.

“Not at all. I was thinking about ordering pizza. Are you down?”

I know he wouldn’t mind cooking for me, but pizza and binge watching this show sound great right about now.

“That sounds great. Where’s Mara?” He looks around and glances at her door.

Sensing that this conversation is going to take a while, I pause the show. “She’s out with a friend, but don’t worry, I can manage on my own.”

I chuckle, knowing he was about to say something about me being left alone.

Changing the subject, I grab my phone and ask, “Is the usual from the corner shop okay?”

He nods enthusiastically and sits on the opposite side of the couch, leaving the center seat open between the two of us. “That sounds perfect but let me pay this time. You paid the last two times.”

“No way! It’s my treat. I asked you.” I realize it sounds kind of like a date, so I add, “Plus, Mom added money to my account with them over break and told me to treat the two of you.”

“Well, I will be sure to thank your mom next time I see her.” Jake’s smile grows.

“It’s no big deal. I bet she already knows how thankful we are for pizza.” I laugh to take the subject off meeting my mom.

Sure, Jake is sweet, but my heart is with Damien. Even if he is currently ignoring me and acting weird.

My big, stupid heart loves that strong, stubborn man.

My heart breaks every time I enter his classroom, knowing that he is going to ignore me and pretend that I am just another student taking his class.

He doesn’t flirt with me while no one is looking. He doesn’t even try to correct my improper form despite me doing it on purpose, so he has to talk to me.

I am completely ignored, and my heart can’t take four more weeks of this.
