Page 66 of Damien

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So much has happened in the few hours since this moment.

And I’ll never get to be with him like this again.

My tears fall to the papers, soaking through them, and distorting the pictures. I need to learn to let him go, or it will only be harder in the long run.

I gather up all the pictures and everything that reminds me of him or the Cape. Looking around, I find a duffle bag in the back of my closet and put everything inside it, zipping it up and locking those memories away for good.

Sobbing, I change out of my clothes, throw on my pajamas, and crawl between my sheets. I let the tears flow as I try to forget about the love of my life.

Every woman has tales of her one true love that got away, and it seems like I am no exception.

The thought saddens me, but also brings me a little bit of comfort.

Chapter Sixteen

Breakups are harder when you don’t see them coming, and even though I was the one that had to break up with Damien, it’s the worst feeling in the world.

Last night was the longest night of my life and not in a good way. My eyes are red, puffy, and swollen from a long night of crying. My heart feels like it has shattered into a million pieces.

I roll over to face the wall and pull my cover over my head. There’s no way I can face the world today. There’s no one I want to see or talk to.

Not with me only getting a wink of sleep last night, and not with the way I am looking.

Thankfully, Mara doesn’t insist on me going to class with her.

Mara’s door closes, and a few seconds later, the front door slams shut. The pictures hanging on my walls shake from the vibration of the door slamming.

I don’t move from my spot in my bed. My energy is non-existent, and I just want to wallow in bed. If only I could stay in bed for the next several weeks, then graduation will be over.

A gentle knock sounds on my door.

Knowing that Mara is already on her way to class, the only other person it could be is Jake, and there’s no way I want to see his face right now.

“Go away!” I yell into the wall, not bothering to turn to face the door.

His voice is soft from the other side of the door. “Shae, there’s something I need to show you.”

Hasn’t he shown me enough already?

Between the pictures of my lovemaking to the hidden cameras, I’ve had enough of him showing me things.

I scoff. “I’m not interested in anything you have to say or show me.”

“I took pictures as proof, so you would see that I’m being honest with you. I have no reason to lie.”

He has no reason to lie?

He has every reason to lie, including having feelings for me.

“Fuck your pictures.”

His pictures are the reason I’m in this predicament. I don’t care if he suddenly had a change of heart and is trying to get back on my good side.

That ship has sailed.

He sighs loudly from the other side of my bedroom door. “You really want to see this, Shae. It’s about your professor.”

Can’t he get the hint? I don’t want to see the pictures he took. Especially ones that are of Damien.
