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I think I’m the only one that hears Nathan’s growl. But I know he’s thinking up ways to mess with Crew later.

"I just want to know what exactly to say to three hot guys to get them to agree to all date you at the same time. Like in the same room together.” This comes from a girl who has a shoulder propped against the wide arched doorway that leads into the living room.

She's young. Like really young.

She’s obviously talking to Dani. "And talk slow," she adds. “I'm taking notes, and my friends want me to tell them everything."

"And that's my cousin, Hadley. Who is only sixteen," Crew says.

Now Dani chokes slightly. She swallows and says, "Well, I was going to give you some notes, but how about you call me in two or three years."

I'm proud of her for rolling with that and making it funny.

"How about we make it ten or twenty years?" a man calls.

"Her dad," Crew adds.

Everyone laughs at that. But we all also see Hadley motioning to Dani that they'll talk later.

"Yeah, if anybody's getting those tips, it’s going to be me," Luna says. "I live with the girl and have to watch them all be gaga over each other on a daily basis.”

That causes Lori to give us a brilliant smile.

"And that is the most important thing," she says. "You’re all clearly together for the right reason. The rest works itself out."

"I don't know," another woman says. "No offense, but that sounds like a nightmare. One man was too much for me, and it took me twelve years to get rid of him. Having three at once? No, thank you."

I chuckle. “My sister said something similar," I say to her. "I suppose it very much depends on the four people in the relationship."

Dani is the one who nods and adds, "I never imagined being in a relationship like this. It's not about having three guys. It'stheseguys. I fell in love with my soul mate…it just happens that I have three.”

That makes my chest tighten, and I can’t resist the need to reach over and touch her. I squeeze her hand. She gives me a sweet smile. Nathan and Crew both have hands on her too. Just simple, loving, though possessive gestures. Nathan’s hand is on her thigh, and Crew’s hand is resting on the back of her neck.

People keep talking, and asking us questions like who takes care of the laundry, what about all the dishes, and do we really go everywhere together?

Answers—we all pitch in on basic laundry, though there is a laundry service Nathan likes and we all use sometimes, and Crew’s “disgusting hockey stuff” (his mom’s words) is handled by the team, we share with the dishes, and sometimes we all go out together, sometimes we take Dani on individual dates, and hell, sometimes it’s just the guys when she's hanging out with Luna. We also all like alone time sometimes, so we have our own apartments. Correction, everyone but Crew likes alone time sometimes.

Finally, their curiosity has been satisfied, and the topic shifts to hockey, then eventually to other topics.

As we all climb into the RV several hours later, we collapse into our seats. Dani and Nathan in back, and Crew and me up front.

We take a collective deep breath.

Dani looks at each of us. "Well, that was… lovely."

Crew chuckles. "Could've been worse. Sorry for the third degree. That was even a little more intense than I expected.”

“It was fine,” I jump in before Nathan can say anything. “They were curious, and maybe a little awkward in how they worded things, but it came from a place of love and interest in your life. No one was judgmental, harsh, or mean. And I hope we helped them answer the questions they’re getting because people know they know you.”

“I agree,” Dani says. “They were a little more in our faces than I expected, but it really did seem well-intentioned. And honestly, if it was one of my cousins in this position and I ran into her at Christmas brunch, I might ask questions too.”

Crew and I laugh.

Then we all turn and look at Nathan.

He looks a little shell-shocked.

Dani leans into him, running her hand up and down his arm. "Are you okay? You were really quiet today.”
