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But Nathan and Michael are already ditching their shoes as well. Danielle’s mom is petite and seems sweet, but she also gives off a distinct fuck-around-and-find-out vibe.

Nathan hands Mary the poinsettia. “This is for you. Merry Christmas. Thank you for having us.”

This damn plant is so large that Mary’s hands sag under the weight of it, and the leaves cover half of her face. Also, it’s a stupid thing to say because she doesn’t want us here, but does anyone say anything about that to Nate? Nope. But I don’t want to upset Dani anymore than she already clearly is, so I let it slide.

I can’t see her face, but I hear Mary’s voice drift out from behind foliage. “Oh, my goodness. Thank you. This is just lovely, Nathan. How thoughtful of you.”

Nathan smiles in triumph at me, which adds to my irritation.

“What did you say, Mary?” A man’s voice calls out from somewhere in the house. “And close the door. You’re letting all the heat out.”

The house is not an open-concept floor plan. We’re huddled in a tiny living room, and there are doors and stairs everywhere. I feel very large and crowded next to Nate and Doc. And the poinsettia. Dani is peeling off her coat and draping it over the banister leading to the second floor.

“Dani’s here!”

“Is she by herself, or did she bring her gang of men?”

I cough into my fist, overcome by the urge to laugh. Damn, I’m trying my best to be mature, but it’s getting harder and harder. This is so bad, it’s almost funny.

“Kevin!” Mary gasps, sounding horrified. “We’re all in the living room.”

She puts the poinsettia down on an end table, and I can see how much Dani looks like her mother. She has the same red hair, though tinged with gray, and she blushes as easily as her daughter. Her cheeks are tinged pink now.

Dani is also blushing. Michael is bending over, murmuring something in her ear. When her father, a tall, thin man, enters the room, Nathan takes the lead and strides over to him confidently, introducing himself with a firm handshake. “Nathan Armstrong. It’s a pleasure.” He hands Kevin a bottle of bourbon. “We brought this for you. Danielle told us you’re a bourbon man.”

That seems to warm Dani’s father up a tad. He shakes Nathan’s hand and takes the bottle. Then he studies Nathan. “How old are you?” he asks, looking skeptical.

“Dad, stop!” Dani looks like she wants the floor to open up and swallow her whole. Her cheeks are almost as red as the pretty cocktail dress she has on.

I feel defensive on Nate’s behalf. We’re the only ones who get to harass him about his age. “Younger than he looks,” I quip.

That draws Kevin’s attention straight to me. His eyes narrow. “You’re Luna’s little brother.”

“Yes. Crew McNeill. It’s nice to finally meet you, sir.”

“Oh, I know all about you,” is his only comment.

I have no idea what that means. Probably nothing good, but I nod. “Excellent.”

I don’t know why I say that. It’s just what comes out of my mouth, and now that it has, I’m at a loss for what else to say. But the awkward silence is immediately filled by Nathan speaking.

“I’m forty-one,” Nathan says, circling back to Kevin’s question, like he’s determined to just push through this and appease Dani’s parents in any way he can. “I have no criminal history, not even a parking ticket. I’ve never been married, so no angry ex-wives, and I don’t have any children. I’m square on my taxes, and I have more money than Oprah.”

Now I do give a chuckle. I can’t help it. It’s clear I’m not the only nervous one here because that was a hard sell.

“More money than Oprah, you say? Then you could have at least brought me two bottles of bourbon.” But the corner of Kevin’s mouth turns up slightly. Then he turns and puts his hand out to Michael. “And you’re the only age-appropriate one here, nice to meet you.”

Michael, our unflappable designated dad, looks actually sheepish. “It’s a pleasure, sir.”

“Michael is a doctor,” Mary says, smiling in approval.

“Excellent.” Kevin claps Michael on the shoulder. “Maybe you can talk Mary out of looking up all her ailments online. Every road leads to cancer on those damn sites.”

“They are definitely a slippery slope,” Michael agrees.

Kevin gestures for Michael to come further into the house. “Well, come on in, Doc.”

Mary follows, wrapping her arm around Dani.
