Page 6 of Brutal Revelation

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Bronston, Colorado.

Stay safe, Love.



I’m not sure when or how I made it to the hospital in one piece. All I remember is leaving the Fraternitas and getting in my car. The drive here was a blur of mindless thoughts. I wasn’t expecting Ariah’s departure to have such an effect on me—not nearly aware enough of her impact, or in denial for too long, that I missed it when it smacked me in the face. I’m a fucking idiot.

I bang my fist against the steering wheel. “Why?” I shout my question into the empty car. Because you started to care. I smother the nagging voice in my head. They always leave when you star—. Closing my eyes, I shut off the noise before pushing open the door and heading inside the hospital.

“How can I help you?” The man at the desk asks.

“I’m here to see Shay Warren,” I state, and he begins to type into his computer before picking up the phone.

“Are you related?” He inquires, pulling his mouth from the receiver.

Shaking my head, I reply, “Close friend of the family.”

“Miss Warren is only receiving visits from family—.”

I cut him off, “Obviously, you know who I am,” I pause to look at his name tag. “Travis. So, let’s skip all the bullshit, and you tell me what room Miss Warren is in, okay?” I command. Travis attempts to open his mouth and I hold up one figure, “Unless the next words coming out of your mouth are a room number, I suggest you refrain from saying something that will cost you your tongue.”

Three shades whiter, he finally says, “She’s in the private wing.”

“Thank you,” I say, nodding before walking toward the elevator.

The ride to Shay’s floor is too quiet, allowing me more time to process that Ariah’s truly gone. I know it’s for the best after the news we’ve received, but it doesn’t make the loss of her any better.

You should’ve told her. My nostrils flare at that thought. Before I can process the emotion, the elevator doors open, and I’m greeted by four security guards.

“Mr. Grant,” one of them greets.

“I’ll only be a few minutes. I know she needs her rest,” I offer as one of them uses their keycard to let me through.

I’m barely through Shay’s hospital room door before she lays into me.“I’m not talking to any of you pussyholes,” Shay seethes. “I don’t even know who di ras let yuh in.”

Damn, her accent is more pronounced when she’s pissed. I hold my hands up in surrender. “I promise I can explain.” I know coming here is a long shot, but I would be remiss not to try.

“Well?” she questions when I don’t immediately speak. “I’m listening.”

I point to the chair by her bed, hoping she’ll allow me to sit. Shay nods, and I take a seat, grateful she’s at least giving me an opportunity to explain. “Owen’s missing, and the signs indicate him being kidnapped.”

The string of curse words that fly from her mouth would make sailors seem like angels. “Why is someone being fucking kidnapped in this town every bumboclat minute,” she mutters, sucking her teeth. “It’s like unnuh nevah watch stranga danga inna unnuh life.”

I wait for her to finish chastising me, but I arch my brow because she knows it’s not that simple. Once she stops, I ask, “You good now? You get it all out of your system?”

“Don’t come in ‘ere asking me no fuckery like dat. Explain what happened, Sebastian, and how the fuck you made my friend hurt enough that she packed up after fighting all this time and left,” she demands, and now I feel like a proper dick.

My jaw flexes at the reminder of her. I’ve been doing everything to not see that look on her face. The shock and disbelief. The betrayal—the fucking betrayal. It’s hard to stomach that Ariah’s out there somewhere thinking we don’t all want her—that I don’t want her, again, when that’s the furthest thing from the truth. Even when I was in denial, she was mine.

Remembering why I’m here, I push my intrusive thoughts aside. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” I pause, ensuring she accepts my apology before continuing. “We were all waiting for Owen to arrive at the Fraternitas so we could officially choose Ariah when Wes got a text and demanded we make our choice immediately.”

Shay sits and listens as I finish giving her the play-by-play of the events that have occurred over the past two weeks—the one that caused Ariah to leave us. “How is that bitch still alive?” She shouts, nearly catapulting from her spot on the bed.

“You have to relax. I can’t have Ariah out for my blood because you hurt yourself,” I plead. “And to answer your question—our hands are tied until Owen’s back. Once he’s back, all bets are off.” I hiss with such vehemence Shay looks momentarily stunned.

I watch the moment Shay pieces it all together as I try to reign in my anger. “Ry left before you had the chance to explain.”

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