Page 104 of Beautiful Ascension

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“Oh, this crowd is about to get a crash course in family relations,” Owen replies, barely keeping a straight face.

Smirking, Sebastian adds, “You think he’ll get a campaign boost from this rally?”

“Is everything in place, Lev?” Wes asks, getting us back on track.

“Baker is about to be announced,” Lev states, then busies himself with some portable device. “I’m in their network, and the video is loaded. I only need to hit play once he’s on stage.”

The MC sings the Senator’s praises—how he stands for good family values before spouting more lies the Senator promises to accomplish.

Holding out his arm in Baker’s direction, the MC exclaims, “Without further ado, coming all the way from the great state of New York, Senator Matthew Baker.”

I roll my eyes at all the ‘Baker Will Make This Country Greater’ signs.

Owen pulls one of his blades from its holster. I think it’s Mary, but I can’t be sure. “I could end this now if you just say the word.”

Wes starts to speak but is cut off by the Senator. “Thank you, Applebrook. It’s a pleasure to be with you all today. Before I get started, I wanted to make a special announcement.”

Looking at Lev, I mutter, “What the fuck is he talking about? I thought today was just another campaign rally?”

“I’m not sure, but we’re about to find out,” Lev states.

“Applebrook, please give a warm welcome to my wife.”

My eyes nearly pop out of my skull. “Are you seeing who I’m seeing?” I mumble, blinking to ensure my vision is clear.

“What. The. Absolute. Fuck?” Wes whispers.

Senator Baker grabs his wife’s hand, pulling her in for a kiss before he continues. “Samantha Baker.”

“This is better than a telenovela,” Owen cackles.

“Please tell me we’re going to hit play now?” I exclaim.

Lev is lowering his thumb toward the tablet. “I don’t see why not. I couldn’t have scripted—” Sebastian’s hand shoots out, halting Lev’s movements.

“Wait,” he commands, making us all turn to him.

“Why the fuck would we do that? We can end his political aspirations right now,” Wes states.

Sebastian leans in before responding. “This is perfect. There’s a debate coming up in a few weeks. The way I see it, Samantha is leashed for now. So, we can spend this time with Ariah.”

“I vote we do it now. Our plan isn’t hinged on outing their relationship,” Wes suggests.

“Or,” Sebastian starts. “We can wait until he’s on primetime television with millions tuning in.”

We peer at each other, seeing if there are any objections. “Perfect. It’s settled. Samantha’s given us plenty of material to work with. Let’s return the favor and make her life a living hell.”

Smiling, I hum, “Operation end the bitch is a go.”

Wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans, I step forward and ring the doorbell. Sneaking in to see Riri—zero nerves. Walking through the front door like a proper fool does—more nerves than I know what to do with.

The front door opens, and Aaron stands in the doorway. “So good of you to finally use the correct entryway,” he teases.

“Aren’t you a regular comedian?” I jest, and he laughs.

His hand clamps down on my shoulder. “Don’t fuck this up. She’s been through enough, and once she finds out everything, I’m sure we’ll each have our turn on the chopping block,” he confesses as Tweedle Dick, Tweedle Dumb, and Tweedle Dead Man step into the room.

“You assholes don’t know the meaning of healing, do you?” Elias quips.

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