Page 137 of Beautiful Ascension

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Reign, Fernando, and Elias are waiting when we step into the hall. “Good visit?” Reign asks, taking the point position once we enter the elevator.

Ariah nods. “Yup. Outside of the heavyweight boxing match our daughter is having, everything is great.”

Once the doors slide open, Reign and Fernando step into the lobby, where more guards signal it’s safe. That doesn’t stop us from creating a protective circle around our girl.

Noticing our movements, Ariah rolls her eyes, pretending to be offended by our actions. “Oh no, save me from that dust particle,” she wisecracks, and I snort.

“Fifteen,” Sebastian retorts, and she turns beet red, clamping her mouth shut. I need to be in one of his counting sessions if they make her blush this much.

Thomas is outside, holding the door open to the SUV. As Thomas walks to the driver’s side, Wes helps her get into the backseat. “Ready to go, Ry?” he asks once he climbs in and buckles his belt.

“Yes. I need to take a nap,” she murmurs, resting her head on Sebastian’s shoulder while Lev clasps her hand.

Wyatt and I exchange a look, knowing how monumental this is. Lev has his own demons to tackle, and he’s working to do that. The fact that he grabs and holds her hand shows how far he’s come.

We ride in silence once we hear Ariah’s soft snores. “She’s been so tired lately,” Sebastian states, brushing her strawberry-blond hair from her face. I watch as she subconsciously burrows further into his side.

“According to my research, as she gets closer to her due date, she can grow more tired,” Lev says, rubbing circles against the back of her hand with his thumb as he continues. “We should also ensure she has the right lotions at the house. Her skin will tend to be dryer. Oh, and we need to keep an eye on any swelling.”

Pregnancy Encyclopedia Lev’s lips part to rattle off more information when I notice movement out of the corner of my eye.

“What’s that?” Reign asks, grabbing my attention. Looking up from Ariah’s sleeping form, I watch as Reign points at a car that seems to be darting in and out of lanes on the busy road.

Thomas is already barking orders, and the convoy closes in, switching around to hide which car we’re in. “Hold on,” he orders, and Sebastian pulls Ariah tighter to him as Lev grips her hand just as one of the SUVs in front of us is rammed from the side.

I lean over and pull my Nimravus Tanto aluminum-handled blade from my ankle holster. My fingers itch to sink it into the heart of Senator Baker, who I know ordered this.

“Baker’s days on this earth are over,” Wes growls, voicing my suspicion.

Wyatt lifts his shirt, revealing his gun, but I shake my head. “Last resort,” I mumble. Ariah’s still sleeping, and I desperately want to be home before she knows what’s happening here.

My head whirls at the screeching of breaks. A silver Lincoln Towncar drives up next to the vehicle Fernando is driving and fires a shot, but Fernando slows and whips right, nearly running the car off the road into a guardrail, but the driver maneuvers the wheel enough to stay on the road.

The back window of Fernando’s SUV rolls down, and the familiar barrel of an AR-15 appears, letting off four successive shots. The driver from the other car loses control, driving head-on into the guardrail before flipping the silver sedan upside down.

“Thomas, get us the fuck out of here,” Wes snaps.

“What the hell is going on,” Ariah’s sleepy voice becomes alert instantly.

Whipping around, I see the knife I gave her in her hand, and my chest swells with pride.

“It’s under control,” Reign assures her.

Ariah’s nostrils flare. “That’s not what I asked,” she retorts, looking around. Ariah’s body tenses, but we’re already turning off the main road.

“Let’s talk once we’re inside. Right now, I need you safely in the house,” Thomas demands.

Ariah huffs, but she doesn’t argue.

The tight set of my shoulders slightly loosens when it looks like the cars following us are being held off as we race away.

We drove for another few minutes before turning into our driveway. We’re out of the car and inside before I truly relax.

The relief lasts long enough to get Ariah upstairs. I press a kiss on her forehead and promise to be back shortly. She doesn’t put up an argument, which under any other circumstance I’d question, but rage lights my nerve endings, and I need to release it into the flesh of someone.

I race down the stairs and barge into the security room.

“How the fuck did that happen?” I shout, slamming the door.
