Page 146 of Beautiful Ascension

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“Yup. The footage is already scheduled. Once Samantha joins Baker on stage, I’ll hit play. I already took over the network servers, barring anyone from the TV station to cut to commercial,” Teagan explains.

“Good to see you again, Teagan. I’ll ignore the fact that you also withheld information from me,” Ariah states, leaning over to peer at my screen.

Teagan shrugs, not remotely affected by Ariah’s icy demeanor. “You better than most understand. There’s no way I could ignore a direct order.”

The two of them stare at each other for another moment before nodding. Some silent agreement is made between them.

“So, what exactly is this plan?” Ariah asks before Wyatt scoops her up, making her squeal as he sits her in his lap.

Chuckling, I reply, “We’re going to broadcast a compilation of video evidence of everything we have on the Senator and his wife to the world.”

“Every news network and social media platform will get a copy of the footage as well as a detailed outline of the sequence of events,” Wes adds.

“In other words,” Owen says, bending to kiss Ariah’s forehead before he takes a seat on her other side. “Tonight’s the night we burn their worlds to the ground, leaving them nowhere to hide.”

Ariah smirks. “When is everything supposed to happen?”

I type in another line of code, granting me access to the Baker’s bank account. I enter a few more commands, then turn to face Ariah. “At the end of the debate. We want to make sure they don’t see this coming,” I answer, and she beams.

“You mean this will be over tonight?” Ariah probes.

I want to tell her, ‘Yes,’ but I won’t jinx it. The last time we allowed ourselves to be optimistic, she— Closing my eyes, I try to block the memory of Ariah’s blood in the hallway.

“Hey,” Teagan interrupts. “We have five minutes until the debate begins. Where are you with the Senator’s bank account?”

“Teag, you wound me. Do you doubt my capabilities?” I retort, lifting my hand to my chest in faux outrage.

She snorts. “Answer my question, dickhead. We have minutes left.”

“All funds, even offshore accounts, have been wiped. Senator Matthew and Samantha Baker are officially broke,” I grin.

I see movement on the television out of the corner of my eye as the two moderators come into focus. “Good Evening. Thank you for joining us here in the nation’s capital for the 2024 Presidential Primary Debate. I’m Jillian Moore.” One states before the other moderator introduces themself.

“And I’m Bryant Montgomery. Seven presidential hopefuls must pass a critical test tonight to become their party’s Presidential nominee.”

Tuning out the remainder of the introductions, I focus on my next task. “Is the file ready for the Secret Service?” I ask Sebastian. His role was to have Matthieu use his new ally to gain access to the head of the Secret Service.

“The documents should be landing on Chad’s desk in twenty minutes,” Sebastian replies.

I’m preparing to lower my head when Ariah speaks. “Why not before?”

“We need them to run,” I explain. When I see a confused look on her face, I continue. “Once the Secret Service gets the information, they’ll station agents at every exit except the one we want unguarded.

Ariah’s nose scrunches in confusion. “If you think that answer clears anything up, I ask you to please try again.”

“There’s a shoot-to-kill order in place, Angel. If either of them attempts to flee, agents have been instructed to take the shot,” Owen answers.

“And we want very much for them to run,” Wyatt adds, rubbing her lower back.

While they continue filling Ariah in on the plan, I have Teagan double-check that all the footage is on the drive. “We can’t leave any room for doubt. The country needs to see who their precious Senator truly is.”

“I see this is payback for my earlier snub, Levi,” Teagan grumbles, rolling her eyes. “You know the answer to that. So, I won’t dignify that with a response.”

Snickering, I continue to set our plan into motion as I sip my drink.

“Senator Baker,” Jillian calls, pulling my attention from my computer. “One in nine girls and one in twenty boys will have experienced some form of sexual abuse before the age of eighteen in this country. Unlike TV shows, we know that a family member or an acquaintance commits the majority of these heinous acts.”

I nearly choke on my juice. “I forgot we added questions,” I rasp, clearing my throat.

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