Page 152 of Beautiful Ascension

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I smirk. My other win. This time, a major one. Being able to strike the parts of the Fraternitas’s bylaws that required the Selection made me feel proud of myself. So, while the idea of having my daughter and son part of an organization riddled with corruption and steeped in patriarchal bullshit appalls me, it’s also important to ensure that the Fraternitas’s archaic laws are changing.

“All thanks to you,” I exclaim, still trying to wrap my head around the woman before.

Wes’s mom is the Princep. . . The Princep of the Novus Ordo Seclorum is Wes’s mom.

Guliana Edgewood heads a global organization responsible for every major power in the world. From governments to crime organizations, Guliana, all five-foot-nothing of her, oversees them, and she wants me to take her place once the time comes.

She shakes her head, “No. This is all you. It was your ability to rise to the challenge and ready yourself to assume the position of power.”

I watch, in awe, as she moves the birth announcement reception plans to the side, replacing them with updates on the search for Senator Baker and Samantha. There’s so much more I’ll need to learn.

When we first met in person, I asked question after question.

How doesn’t anyone know who you are?

Are any of the other guys’ moms also part of Novus Ordo Seclorum?

What role did you play in my arrival to Edgewood?

Why did you pick me?

Guliana had to remind me to breathe because I nearly had a panic attack in my closet that day. I’m still uncertain that I’m not one piece of information away from having one.

“When can I tell the guys? I’m not a fan of keeping secrets,” I state, addressing one of my most glaring concerns. It’s not lost on me how much I harp on honesty and communication, but I’m being neither honest nor communicative.

The major downside is outside of Donald Edgewood and the highest ranks within Novus Ordo Seclorum—no one knows who the Princep is.

“Soon,” she replies. “Right now, it’s important to keep you safe. Until the Tribunal, your position isn’t official. And even then, only those sworn to the highest ranks will ever know. It’s how the Princep stays alive.”

Huffing, I share my grievance. “Guliana, I don’t like the idea of more secrets. There’s been an endless amount of lies, and I’m sick of it.”

“Part of being a leader is knowing when the information you withhold is life-altering. Would sharing this put the people you care about in harm’s way?” she explains, pushing a report in front of me.

Her words play on a loop, making me question whether some of my anger toward the guys is warranted.

Smiling, she states, “I can feel the gears turning in your head. The answer is yes and no. No one ever wants to be lied to, Ariah. Especially not by the people you hold in high regard.” Guliana stands before continuing, “But you have to ask yourself the why of someone’s actions because whether we like it or not—the why matters. Think about this as more information begins to trickle out.”

Guliana is around the desk before I speak, “Nothing is ever just black and white. I think I forgot that. My understanding of why and forgiving them doesn’t mean my hurt is invalid.”

“Exactly, but don’t worry. I’m sure the boys will be in line soon enough. For now, focus on your training. When it’s time to bring them in, they’ll be brought in.”



Aidan’s goofy grin grows at the raspberries his sister blows in my face.

“You think that’s funny. . . you think that’s funny.” I tease, tickling his belly, only making him break into peels of laughter.

The apple of his round cheeks flushes even brighter pink when I scowl. “Zoey Bear, drooling in Daddy’s mouth is on the nope list. We went over this,” I say, trying to get my five-month-old twins to see reason.

“Mr. Jefferson.” Lilah, our nanny, calls me from just inside the room. “It’s time for the twins’ naps.”

“Looks like the club is being shut down early. The club owner said that they had to cut you two off. All those milk shots.”

Chuckling as she approaches, Lilah says, “You’ve always had quite the imagination.” I bend to kiss Aidan’s forehead before she picks him up off of the bed, carrying him to the nursery.

“It’s good to have you back, Lilah,” I tell her. Lilah is one of the few nannies our families trust. She’s gone through an extensive background check. With all the snakes still in our midst, we had to be sure she was safe to be around the babies.

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