Page 160 of Beautiful Ascension

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Springing off the ground, I charge forward. A snarl passes my lip as I pull back and jab her three times in the side of her head. Samantha falls, and I hop on top of her, fisting her hair tight in my grip.

“You talk too damn much,” I bark, landing blow after blow. She tries to protect herself, but I strike any spot she isn’t covering. “You threatened me, tried to kill people I love, and took what was never yours.”

“Ariah, watch out,” Wes warns, but I’m so lost in my rage that I miss when she must have taken out a weapon.

I’m knocked off balance when I see something glint in the light.

Utilizing my momentary loss of focus, Samantha dives at me with a knife. I roll out of the way when the clank of metal hitting concrete sounds.

“I’m going gut you. Then make Wes fuck me in your blood before I sell those bastard twins on the black market,” Samantha shrieks running at me again, but I’m already twisting up into a crouch.

Nope. Dead bitch on aisle one.

My foot swings out, kicking her in the side of her knee at full force. I hear the crack as she drops to the ground, losing the knife in the process.

Samantha shrieks, springing off the ground faster than expected, and tackles me to the ground.

“You stupid bitch. You never know when to quit,” Samantha sneers as my back hits the floor. I grunt but manage to move my head before her nails can come into contact with my face. Before she can make another attempt to scratch me, I grab my hair sticks and swing, stabbing her in the shoulder.

She screams, clutching her arm as she falls off me. I’m up and straddling her chest and fisting her hair while I punch her repeatedly in her face. “No. You’re the one who doesn’t know when to take a hint. But don’t worry, I’ll happily teach you,” I snap, landing another blow to her face. Then, I’m off the ground and kicking her side.

“You think you can threaten my kids,” I shout, stomping on her fingers with the heel of my combat books. Samantha’s choked sobs echo throughout the room, but it’s nowhere near enough. “You think you can take from me and not lose the offending limb?” I snarl, slamming my boot down on her shoulder.

Samantha kicks out, and I accidentally go down. Then she belly crawls in the direction of the knife, but I’ve had enough.

Standing, I dart around her, whipping out the cable saw, locking the wire around her neck, and tugging.

Samantha’s cries cease as she scrambles to find air. Her hands fly up, desperately trying to pry away the thin piece of metal cutting into her throat.

“You can call me karma, bitch, because I always come back swinging,” I growl at her choked cries, but I refuse to let up until I know she’s dead.

I hear footsteps and briefly look up to see the guys are finally here, but then return my attention to ending this cunt.

Somehow, she finds enough strength to speak. “Let me go, or Wes dies,” Samantha croaks.

“Nice try bitch,” I seethe. “Your reign of terror is fucking over.” I pull the garrote tighter.

Samantha’s fingers scratch at my hands, but I don’t budge.

“It’s true,” she gurgles. “There’s a chip in Wes, just like Owen’s.”

I hesitate. There’s no way. Shaking my head, I exclaim, “You’re full of shit. You’d say or do anything because you know you’re dying tonight.” Then, I pull the cord tight again, and her fingers desperately claw for freedom before she throws her arm up, displaying a watch.

“Check for yourself,” she croaks. I peer down and freeze.



Igasp, precious air filling my lungs as Ariah slackens her grip a sliver.

“Talk fast, and don’t waste my time. What do you mean ‘like Owen’s’?” the trashy bitch asks.

Rubbing at my throat, I rasp, “I mean, once he got here, I drugged his ass and had a chip put in.”

“No,” Ariah whispers, further loosening the chain around my neck. “You’re lying.”

My nostrils flare at the doubt in her tone, as if all I’ve done isn’t evidence enough that I should never be trifled with. Everyone always underestimates me. “Does anything I’ve done so far strike you as a bluff?” I challenge.
